Tuesday 25 February 2014

"That Awkward Moment"

Jason may design book covers but he is far from being an open page, well certainly with the ladies that he dates. Date may be too strong a word to use in his context, its more like a quick shag and thats it. When it looks like that things may be getting heavy, and he may actually have to commit, then he is able to find the words that leaves him single.
He is in the constant company of his two best friends, Daniel and Mikey, the latter having just discovered that his wife has been cheating on him with the lawyer....ouch. The three of them make an agreement to remain single, and just enjoy the ladies. This is fine for Daniel, as he has a close female friend, Chelsea who happily introduces him to some of the most attractive ladies in town. But he starts to form a close attachment to Chelsea, Mikey is trying to get back with his wife, and Jason meets Ellie, a potential client, and he clearly has strong feelings for her.
The problem for the guys is that they try to hide their possible relationships from each other, and this has inevitable drawbacks.
Jason does seem to be mellowing in his ways, and things could be looking good for him and Ellie, but at a moment when she really needs him the most, he lets her down. Will the guys mend their ways?  Does Jason get his girl in the end?

To begin with one felt that if it was comedy, it was not that funny, and if it was a romance film, then its heart was definitely in the wrong place, but things do improve. It is never going to be a classic but it passes 90 odd minutes of entertainment. It is all rather predictable at the end of the day, and we have very clearly been here before but I have seen far worse.
It is nice to see Zac Efron in a more adult role, shaking off his nice boy image from his HSM days, and any fan of his will get some clear enjoyment from the film - enough said.

Enjoyable, predictable, and Zac Efron naked.........6 out of 10

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