Sunday 2 February 2014

"Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit"

The cinematic life of Jack Ryan has been an interesting one, almost as thrilling as the books that he originates from. We have gone from Alec Baldwin, to a more mature Ryan in the shape of Harrison Ford, who originally turned down the role, and then there was the reboot from 2002, that featured Ben Affleck as the CIA Analyst.
All the films have been greatly received and successful in their own way. But certainly as a franchise the series has never really been a constant, especially with the ever changing faces of the lead character.

2014 and we have the fourth actor to play Jack Ryan. Could this second reboot see the character get the series of films he so richly deserves?

We get the back story for Ryan's life very quickly out the way. Jump forward to present day where he is working undercover for the CIA sniffing out dodgy dealing within Russian finances. He is requests to visit Moscow to investigate further, in particular one Viktor Cherevin, head of a major Corporation.
His arrival in Russia is eventful, getting the hospitality he deserves. He has to balance his need to do his job, and also keeping his fiance, Cathy, happy. Unknowing of his job description, she starts to suspect that there could be more afoot. Before Ryan knows it, Cathy has joined him on the other side of the World. She quickly becomes a pawn within the game, her life very much at risk.

Through his analytical skill, Ryan uncovers what Cherevin intends to do. His aim is to use the US Dollar, and a terrorist attack to destroy the US economy, plunge America into its darkest hour ever.
With the help of his mentor, Harper, they race back to the US to stop Cherevin's plans.

This is the first film that has not been based directly on a Tom Clancy novel. And for me that is where the film suffers, in the story and the writing. The books from Clany have sold in their millions because they are so well written, and the films from those books have been equally well adapted to make their cinematic counterpart as entertaining.
The World of Ryan is fighting within a competitive arena, what with the Bourne and Bond films being major money spinners, and more so critically successful too.  A second reboot, a third stab at the franchise and the fourth actor in the role, almost seems to me like desperation. Maybe Doctor Ryan should remain within the films and books that have gone before, and leave it at that.

Chris Pine is ok in the title role, but does little to shine in my opinion. Kenneth Brannagh is, as ever, excellent, he really does make one quiver as Cherevin. Nice to see Kevin Costner back on the big screen, he does a nice job as Ryan's boss. It is nice to see the love interest of Ryan given more to do than just be the usual token female in the background, and Keira Knightley places the role well.
Brannagh's direction is first class, and assuming there is a sequel, hope he fills the Director's chair again.

So to recap, we have merit for Brannagh's acting and directing, for Kevin Costner, but there are points lost for the writing and for Chris Pine. There are so many great movies out there, and it is hard to sometimes stand out, and sadly this one did not do it for me.
It's good but could have been better................7 out of 10

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