Wednesday 26 February 2014


It has to be said that I am not a huge fan of Spike Jonze, though probably unfairly I am basing that statement on the fact that I have seen just two of his previous films, namely "Where the Wild Things Are" and "Adaptation", the latter especially I find irritating, if nothing else for depriving Ed Harris of a much deserved Academy Award.

We all seem to live in a World where we are all becoming more isolated than ever. Technology has moved on to such a degree, that there are many who have no need to leave their home. Everything they want and need can be brought to them with the push of a button or the click of a mouse. And with the latest film from Spike Jonze, we are seeing possibly the next step in technological evolution.
A new programme, an Artificial Intelligent Operating System. The ultimate app for your mobile !!

Someone who this is tailor made for is Theodore, a man who is totally withdrawn from life, suffering the effects of the break up of his marriage, and torn apart by the impending divorce, which his wife has patiently waited a year for him to sign the papers. He is loathed to say goodbye to that part of his life. His only solace is his work where he composes old fashioned hand written letters, which have become a thing of the past, where we all log into a virtual world, where we communicate in our own little bubble. At times there is very little interaction between people. It makes one wonder how businesses like restaurants survive in this new future.
'Samantha', the SO1 program, slowly brings Theodore out of his shell, as she gets him to appreciate everything around him once again, she starts to learn and evolve, wanting to know more, and to grow as an intelligence. But are things going too well for Theodore? Can he really sustain a relationship with a microchip? Where will it all end?

I was definitely not sure what to expect from this film, but it clearly deserves its Best Picture nomination, as it is a fascinating look at human nature, how we interact with technology and a most beautiful love story. I really commend Mr. Jonze on his screenplay which is wonderfully written.
We see a career best performance from Joaquin Phoenix. He really gets inside Theodore, conveying his sense of isolation, of elation at his being with Smantha and loving life, and sense of loss from his marriage break-up. Such a mix of emotions all brilliantly played out. I know that his career has had its ups and downs, but he is at the top of his game with a phenomenal performance.
To bring a machine or in this case a program to life just with vocal skills is quite the task, to give that program life, and make it seem real especially to the fictional character she is assigned to is quite something, but Scarlett Johannson makes it look so easy. Not only is she a stunningly beautiful young lady but her voice is too, and so human, and makes her the perfect choice for the role of 'Samantha'. Great support too from Amy Adams as 'Amy', one of the few friends that Theodore has in his life.
Top notch writing, as I have already mentioned, and Mr Jonze direction is also outstanding. This love story comes with a first class score and also some beautfiul photography. We really are getting the full package with this film.

A new kind of love story..............9 out of 10.

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