Monday 27 August 2012

"The Amazing Spider-Man"

The famous web slinger is back in this new franchise from Sony.

But there are some big shoes to film. Director Sam Raimi had created a great legacy, bringing to life the world of Peter Parker.
So how would this new series of films fare?

Relative unknown Marc Webb is given the Director's chair, and does a first class job, both in telling the story, and also providing plenty to be entertained by.
The story sees Peter Parker trying to uncover the truth as to what happened to his parents, when they mysteriously left, leaving him with his Aunt and Uncle. During his investigation, it leads Peter to 'Oscorp' the Company his father was working for, and directly to the offices of Dr. Curt Connors. A scientist who is keen to reap the rewards of his research. A deformity leaves him with one fully working arm, and he aims to see both his arms restored to full glory. But his obsession comes at a price. Using the restorative genetics of a lizard, he injects himself, and sure enough his arm is back, but other aspects of the genes work themselves into his system, and before long he is transformed into a raging lizard, rampaging through the city.

With such a vital lead character at the heart of the film, you have to find the right lead actor to play that role. There were several questions asked when it was announced that Andrew Garfield was taking over from Tobey Maguire, as to his suitably. I for one would never question his acting skills. His talent is obvious, and I felt he would bring a new dimension to Peter Parker, and this he truly does. Maguire was good, but for me this is totally Andrew Garfield's gig. He can do the nerd, the humour, the action, the romance, and he is a bloody good actor.
Emma Stone, who is becoming quite the young lady of Hollywood is equally suited to her love interest role as 'Gwen'. Whether she will make way for Mary Jane remains to be seen.

In the original film, Cliff Robertson did such a wonderful job, as 'Uncle Ben'. And it would be difficult to imagine anyone else in the role, but thankfully the Creative Team behind the film have an ace up their sleeve, in that they get Award winning actor Martin Sheen to take over the role. Such a consumate professional, Sheen brings the same kind of humanity to the role that he did when working his magic playing 'President Bartlet' in "The West Wing". And also equally nice to see Sally Field back on the big screen after an absence of several years.

The action scenes are wonderfully directed, both visually stunning and plenty to keep one amused. The reintroduction of the Peter Parker character is handled very well in both writing and the performance from Andrew Garfield. Great to see the film on the IMAX but alas the 3D, as usual, does not add a great deal to the film.

On the whole, I would say that the future of Parker and Co. is very bright........8 out of 10.

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