Monday 27 August 2012

"Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter"

A reworking of history I don't seem to recall that to enter the White House, one had to be a slayer of the undead. But who knows, maybe this is a hidden aspect of Lincoln's character that the history books have yet to find out about.

The story concerns a young Lincoln, who's mother is killed by a Vampire. From this young age, Lincoln vows to avenge the death of his mother. He becomes popular and well liked in the local town, and his best friend Will is African American, surely a sign of things to come.

From working in a humble shop, Lincoln becomes interested in Politics, but still trying to rid his beloved Country of the neck biting scum. It is during one of these slayings that he meets the enigmatic Henry, a man who will teach Abraham a great deal in the killing of Vampires. But is Henry all that he seems to be?

But Jack Barts, the Vampire responsible for the death of Lincoln's mother is merely the tip of the iceberg. There is a whole Vampire Family, and the head of the family is Adam, who is keen to see Vampires rule over all. And Abraham, with some help from Henry will do all he can to overcome them. The battle maybe greater than Lincoln anticipated, as Adam is using the Confederates to increase the size of his Army. Perhaps there was more to the Civil War than we first thought. The battle between Man and Vampire builds to the inevitable finale......who wins?  That would be telling.

I rather enjoyed this movie, something a little different. Don't get me wrong, the story is complete tosh, but if you take it at face value, and expect nothing more than to be entertained then you may find it favourable. Visually it is very impressive, including a fight on a steam train going over a collapsing bridge, which just about destroys every law of gravity.

Don't take it seriously, sit back and be entertained, as it's good escapist fun.........6 out of 10

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