Monday 27 August 2012

"Storage 24"

Charlie is having a pretty bad day. He has just been dumped by his girlfriend, he is at a loss as to know why. The film opens with him in a car with his friend, Mark, who is trying to console him, as they make their way to a storage facility. Charlie just wants to get his possessions back.
When they arrive at the unit, Charlie days gets worse, when he finds out that they are not alone. His ex-girlfriend had the same idea. Words are exchanged, and tempers are raised.

But that is nothing compared with what happens next.
A plane crashes not too far from where the Storage unit is, and it is clear that one thing on board did survive the crash. And it is not necessarily of this world. For it seems that the plane was transporting an extra terrestrial and now it is loose in London.
With the plane having crashed, it has caused a power loss in the area, so the storage unit has gone into automatic lock-down. And unfortunately for the people inside, the alien creature has now gained access.
Havoc soon follows as the humans team up to both find a why out of the facility and also to prevent themselves from being killed by the alien intruder.

As much as I adore Noel Clarke, who for me is one of the brightest talents within the British Film Industry, it has to be said that is not his greatest screenplay. Whether it is the writing or the performances or more likely a combination of both, the characters are pretty dull, you want to give them all a good slapping. They are not really brought to life, and so you don't care at all what happens to them.
It is pretty formulaic, it has been done before, and been done a lot better. The Direction from Johannes Roberts is very weak, providing little tension.
The effects in creating the alien creature range from ok to poor.

At the end of the day, you have to admire the intentions of the Director and Writer but maybe they set their goals a little out of their price range. Maybe spent a little longer writing the screenplay.

The saving grace of the film, though it was a case of too little too late for this viewer, is that it has a killer ending. Loved it.

Nice idea......but lacked on delivery.......4 out of 10

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