Friday 2 December 2011

"Dream House"

Book editor Will is leaving his cherished dream job, deciding to spend more time with his wonderful family. They find their dream home away from the big city, and look forward to settling down to some quality time together, plus it will give Will the chance to work on his own book, rather than publishing other peoples.
Then one of his two daughters starts to see strange shadows, maybe someone lurking outside at night. And one night Will finds a group of emo kids in his basement. Is there something going on that he is unaware of?  Well actually yes there is. The previous owner of the house murdered his wife and two children. Will is rather annoyed that this information was not disclosed to him before buying the house for him and his family.
Will starts to investigate what happened to the previous occupants, and discovers that the killer, Peter Ward, was incarcerated, but is now on the streets. Could it be he who is lurking around their property?

When the truth is revealed, it makes for quite the revelation, and starts the ball rolling in what is a really good psychological thriller. There are plenty of twists and turns, and there is also the odd make you jump moment.
The film is beautifully photographed, and has a very atmospheric score. Of the leads, Daniel Craig has the meatier part. Alas Ms. Weisz is given very little to do. Craig does an admirable job. I have read a few poor reviews of this film, but do not let that dissuade you from seeing it. I remember a film about 10 years ago, again a psychological thriller, which got poor reviews, and I still think of it as one of the best thrillers I have ever seen, the film was "In Dreams".

A nice little movie.........7 out of 10

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