Friday 2 December 2011


Adam is a sensible young man. He is careful about what he eats, he waits at a pedestrian crossing, he jogs, he is incredibly tidy, has a nice girlfriend, and it would also seem that he has a rare form of spinal cancer.
Understandably this a massive shock. He is given the options, and starts a course of chemotherapy. Whilst having this treatment, he becomes friends with two fellow patients, Mitch and Alan.
Adam also goes to see a therapist, to talk through his issues, worries, concerns, the future etc. By his side are his two constant companions, his best friend Kyle, and girl friend Rachael.

The film follows Adam's journey, from dealing with the initial shock, to then denial, to then at times anger. He also has to deal with the upset and hurt when he discovers that Rachael has been cheating on him, unable as she is to deal with his condition.
He also has to deal with an over protective mother, she herself under pressure as her husband, Adam's father is battling Alzheimers.
Adam and his family then find out whether the chemo has worked, an unfortunately it has not, and the only remaining course is a very risky operation on his spine. Whether it succeeds or not, I shall not reveal here.

But it was interesting when watching the film, whether they would go down the route of having the main character die of their illness at the end or have them as the all conquering hero. And if it was the latter, where would they find a suitable place to tie up the film?

What I will say is that the film has the perfect ending, the last quote is so apt. The performances are spot on, with great supporting work from the likes of Philip Baker Hall, Matt Frewer and Oscar winner Anjelica Huston, who we don't get to see enough of on the big scren. Seth Rogen is great fun, Anna Kendrick is very endearing, but the main man is Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who is for me, one of the best actors of his generation. If any fellow fans out there have seen "The Lookout", they will know what I mean. A truly phenomenal and gifted actor. Always a delight to watch.

One to recommend..........8 out of 10

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