Monday 10 October 2011

"Shark Night 3D"

The water has always been a key ingredient of so many great movies, "Jaws", "The Abyss", "Waterworld"...maybe not so much the last one.

But here we have another adventure on the water, and like Spielberg's classic, we have to contend with some rather big sharks. The film starts with a group of students, who after lots of book reading, decide to head to an island retreat for some relaxing, amongst other things. With it being the home town of one of the group, they should have nothing to fear from the locals...right?  Wrong. There are the usual Hill-Billy type characters, the writers must have really been stretched with their plots and characters. The deaths come quite quickly and in fast succession.

Some are inventive, I have to say that I do not recall having ever seen such athletic sharks. They should be taking part in the Olympics. The reason behind the sharks being in the water, and what the local yokels are upto is certainly different. It is not boring, that much I can say.

Just about manages to keep its head above the water........4 out of 10

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