Monday 10 October 2011

"Killer Elite"

I often wonder why I continue to watch films starring Jason Statham, as he has a really poor track record. The only film of his I have really enjoyed was "Cellular" and that was a few years ago. Has his latest film faired any better than some of his more recent efforts?

Am afraid not. In fact it will be going down as one of his worst.
A Middle Eastern Leader wants revenge against the British Soldiers who were responsible for the deaths of three of his sons. So to carry out his vengeance, he hires a  mercenary (De Niro) who will do his dirty work for him.  When things go wrong, the mercenary is held for ransom, so that his associates will carry on what he was unable to do. Statham heads up the associates, and seeing as the kidnapped victim is like a mentor and father figure to him, he is rather keen to have him freed.

There are no characters to cheer for, all are pretty loathsome. At times the film is bland, dull and tedious. Statham is the same as he seems to be in the majority of his movies. Clive Owen is very clearly wasted, with a masterpiece like "The International" under his belt, he should be passing on such banal material as this.
De Niro is clearly unable to get the parts anymore to allow him to show what a phenomenal actor he is. A great talent is really being wasted. Either wait for those great roles again, or retire. Don't demean such a great career with more of these going through the motion roles.

A great waste of my time....and the few marks it does get is for a decent and tense chase sequence on a dual carriageway........2 out of 10

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