Wednesday 5 October 2011


Nathan (Taylor Lautner) enjoys his life, for the most part. Socialising with his friends, trying to capture the heart of the girl who lives opposite, but also having to deal with his law laying father, who likes to instill some discipline in his son. During a class project, he is paired up with the girl of his dreams, but problems ensue when they visit some missing children websites for the project, and it seems possible that Nathan may be one of those pictured on the website as missing, and if he is, who are the two people he lives with pretending to be his parents?
It would also seem he is not the only one on the website as an East European terrorist has created the website for the very purpose of tracking down Nathan, as his father is actually a Spy, as happens every day, and the terrorist wants to kidnap Nathan to force his Spy father to return some property he stole. Lots of chases follow yadda yadda yadda.

Hmmm....this is not a great film, good is being over generous. The story is farcical, and not at all compelling. There is little to no tension, for the most part a very talented cast are very wasted. And when I say talented cast, I mean the more veteran actors, wonderful stars like Alfred Molina and Sigourney Weaver.

Save your money, you will thank me......3 out of 10

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