Sunday 11 November 2018


I have never really gotten the whole Zombie thing. I gave up on watching "The Walking Dead" after just five minutes of the first episode, maybe not exactly fair, but I still feel I made the right choice.
So, needless to say, I had very little desire to watch his new release, and the only reason I did was that I wanted to watch a double bill and this was the only other film I could watch.

I'm so glad that it worked out that way.

We start the film as a group of ParaTroopers are on route to a village Church in France, their aim is to destroy a radio transmitter. But not all is as it seems within the walls of the Church.
For the Germans have discovered a liquid, which when injected gives the host renewed strength, even when dead. The Nazis have been experimenting on both the Village locals, and captured Soldiers. The ultimate goal to create a Third Reich that the World will never forget.
Despite one the American troops seeing first hand what is unfolding in the Church, his Commanding officer stays with their mission, and that of destroying the transmitter. It's not until things get a little close to home does the mission change.

The best way I can think of to describe this film is its "Saving Private Ryan" meets "Inglorious Bastards" meets "28 Days Later". I absolutely fricking loved it. Right from the opening frames, it is a delight to watch. It has everything. The cast are all excellent, the Direction is outstanding, and both the visual and special effects plus the make-up are really awesome.
Please note that this film is an 18 certificate, and it is with VERY good reason. It is not for the faint hearted. In fact I think had there been a 21 age certificate, it may have been awarded it.

110 minutes of undead brilliance......8 out of 10

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