Friday 14 September 2018

"Crazy Rich Asians" - preview screening

Whilst watching this preview, all that kept going through my head was John Hughes. And that is in no way a bad thing. When you look at some of the great films that he has been responsible for, whether as Writer, Director or both, it is a library of films to be very proud.

The premise is that handsome young Asian has the woman of his dreams in his life, and he feels it is now time to take the next step, and introduce her to his family. There is however one small fly in the ointment. His family are to Asia, what John Getty was to oil in America. They are seriously wealthy and live a very lavish lifestyle. All of this information he has kept from his Girlfriend.
So she suspects all in not as it seems when they board the plane and finds that they are in 
the bees knees of travelling style, and the pieces of the puzzle start to fit together.

There is also an over-bearing mother, wonderfully played by Michelle Yeoh, and one doubts if anyone would be good enough for her soon, so let battle commence between Mother and potential new Daughter in law.

Its nicely played out, but I would not say it is laugh out loud funny, but still entertaining none the less. 6 out of 10

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