Tuesday 21 February 2017

"Moonlight" - Preview Screening (Oscars 2017)

Contrary to what some say, there are many perks to having a Cineworld Unlimted Card, including being able to prebook tickets, but the main one is to be lucky enough to attend preview screenings, in this instance we have another of this years Oscar Best Picture nominees, in the shape of "Moonlight". I was fortunate to be able to see it almost two weeks ahead of its UK release.

I only saw the trailer the weekend before, whilst watching "Jackie". I knew virtually nothing about the film apart from it chronicles the life of a young African American.
Chiron is quiet, keeps himself to himself, does not look for trouble, but usually it will have a way of finding him, in one of several ways. Chiron's young adulthood is told over three stages, the first as a young boy aged nine, then as a teenager, and finally as a young man in his 20's.
He has much to contend with, a drug taking Mother, the lads at School who belittle and bully him, and a love that he must keep secret.
The story is brilliantly told, as we are introduced to the World that Chiron lives in. On one particular bad day he meets Juan, a local drug dealer (though at the time Chiron does not know this) and his Girlfriend Teresa. They become almost like surrogate parents, offering him a bed to sleep in if things get too rough at home.
It can make one quite angry watching this story in that this young lad just goes along every day, minding his own business, trying to do well at school, and he never really stands a chance.

Aside from Juan & Teresa, he does have one close friend, Kevin. But the feelings that Chiron has for Kevin are more than those of a friend. There are so many outstanding moments in the film, one where the young 9 year old asks Juan about what it means to be gay, and also a truly beautiful moment where Chiron and Kevin become more than friends. The acting in these two scenes is especially brilliant, and a credit to all of those involved.

Being African American is not easy given all that has happened in the US these last couple of years, but being gay as well, makes it a tough life to live. Thats why the older Chiron is so guarded, and the masculine man that he has toughened himself to be after the events of his earlier life.
It makes for a totally compelling film, with amazing performances. Much has been mentioned of Mahershala Ali as Juan, but for me equally so, the three actors who portay Chiron are all exemplary. The three of them could also be nominated for Best Supporting Actor. And rightly joining Ali is our very own Naomie Harris as Chiron's Mum, in a truly great performance.

Barry Jenkins, as Writer & Director has created a truly memorable masterpiece. Several years ago "Brokeback Mountain" was almost certain to win Best Picture. Let us hope that history does not repeat itself, as this would be a worthy addition to the list of Best Picture winners.

Another worthy entry as an Oscar Best Picture nominee.......9 out of 10

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