Sunday 22 February 2015

"The 87th Annual Academy Awards - My Predictions"

Well, it is that time of year again, as all the good and great of the film world descend upon that which we call the 87th Annual Academy Awards. And as ever here are my predictions.
As always, each of the selected categories will have two entries. Who I think will Win, and who I want to see Win.
Best Screenplay Written Directly For The Screen

For me it has to be Wes Anderson all the way for his brilliant work on "The Grand Budapest Hotel", but a little part of me would equally love to see "Nightcrawler" win too

Best Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published 

It is a tough to choose who I think will win, as it could easily go to The Imitation Game, but I think The Theory of Everything will bag it. And of course would love to see Whiplash win         

Best Actor In A Supporting Role

J K Simmons all the way. He will soon be adding an Oscar to the many awards he has rightly won for his brilliant performance as Terence Fletcher in the oustanding "Whiplash"

Best Actress In A Supporting Role

Likewise it will be Patricia Arquette adding another award to her cabinet for her work on "Boyhood". Despite my protestations against the film winning Best Picture, she gives a great performance, and it is nice to see her getting some acclaim, as she is a great actress.

Best Actor In A Leading Role

Despite those who think that Michael Keaton will bag the Lead Actor Oscar, I still think Eddie Redmayne will be victorious. Though a little bit of me would love to see Benedict Cumberbatch win for his work as Alan Turing in The Imitation Game

Best Actress In A Lead Role

Despite the film not opening here yet, she has won every major award going, and it is her time. The amazing Julianne Moore is long overdue for an Oscar, after so many great performances, and tonight will be her night

Best Director

In another battle, as Birdman 
Vs Boyhood, I think that Alejandro G. Innaritu will triumph against Richard Linklater. Would be nice to see Wes Anderson again win for The Grand Budapest Hotel

Best Picture

It pains me to say it, but despite those who think that Birdman will make a last minute win (And I hope it does), then I do firmly believe that the over hyped Boyhood will Win Best Picture....for all the wrong reasons. 

So there you have it, and with just 18 minutes to go, I had better go and get ready for the 87th Annual Academy Awards, and best of luck to host Neil Patrick Harris. 

Happy Oscars !!!!

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