Sunday 22 February 2015

"Inherent Vice"

I have been quoted a saying that watching the trailer for this film was far more fun than watching the whole of the film "Mortdecai" and I still stand by that, however the film was a huge disappointment.

It had so much promise from having seen the trailer on numerous occasions.
'Doc' Sportello is a practicing Dick, or Private Eye to you and I, and he has been hired by his former girlfriend Shasta, who has concerns about her lover, a Billionaire property developer, who may have been kidnapped, indirectly by his wife and her boyfriend. Also investigating a murder is 'Bigfoot Bjornsen', a local Cop cum TV actor, but is the murder connected with the kidnapping? Also what is the connection to a group of Dentists, one of whom is high as a kite?

There are a few laughs in the film. But it has to be said that the plot is maybe a little too multi-layered, and I never thought I would hear myself about a film by Paul T. Anderson, especially being such a huge fan of "Magnolia", and you don't get much more multi layered than that, but there you go.
The period, 1970, has been wonderfully recreated, and there are great performances most notably from Joaquin Phoenix as 'Doc Sportello', who looks like an early 'Wolverine', and also Josh Brolin who excels as 'Bigfoot'. 

Despite all the promise, sadly this film was not for me.........4 out of 10

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