Sunday 25 January 2015


"Mortdecai" is the 'Austin Powers' of the Art world, I suppose that is the best way I can think of to describe him. There is also a touch of TerryThomas about him, but at least TerryThomas was funny, which is far than can be said for "Mortdecai".

Said fellow is in debt, owing £8 million in back taxes. So when a potential 'lost' painting maybe up for grabs, its all hands on deck, especially as the reverse of the painting could contain the Bank account details leading to a Vault load of Nazi gold and valuables.

Oh the hilarity. NOT. The creator of the trailer should be praised as they have done their job, they made the film look appealing and got me inside. They have earnt their wages. Alas no-one else working on the film has, especially the Writer and Director. The film believes itself to be a comedy but is far from it. I mustered two minor sniggers during the whole 106 minutes, and that seemed to be the same for the other 40 or so people viewing the film at the same time as I.
In fact to put it into context, I laughed more watching the trailer for "Inherent Vice" for the third time.

Some say that Johnny Depp is his way to being the most overpaid actor in Hollywood. Going by the quality of this latest film, I am going to agree.

Stay clear of this dire movie...................3 out of 10

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