Friday 23 January 2015


Putting on a stage production can be very stressful. But when you are the lead actor, writer and Director, it can be very hard work indeed.
But what makes it even worse for Riggin Thompson, is that he feels he has something to prove. Once he was top of the movie World, as a major Super-Hero star, long before the likes of 'Iron Man' ruled the sky. He was at the top of his game, and loved by millions. Now he is a nobody, washed up, but with this play he has the chance to show that he is an actor and not just a movie star.

He is adapting a Raymond Carver work for his play, but all is not well. One of his fellow actors is not exactly Laurence Olivier, but fate steps in when an accident means he cannot continue with the play, and a replacement is sought, But was it an accident or are there other forces at play?
A replacement is forthcoming in the shape of Critic and fan favourite Mike Shiner. But the initial elation at having such a crowd pleasing name join the cast is soon short lived. For Mike is a true method actor. Plus has designs on rewriting the script and designs on Riggin's daughter. There is a quite hilarious preview scene when Mike objects heavily to the lack of authenticity with the beverages on stage.

In the opening scene we find Riggin hovering above the floor of his dressing room. Is it some elaborate gimic? Or does the former Superhero have skills that really are super? He constantly hears the thoughts of his alter-ego. Have these words of wisdom unhinged his mind? There are times when he seems to have a Jedi mind trick skill, moving objects at random, was he responsible for the falling light fitting?

Whether Riggin really does have super powers, whether it is in his mind, or whether it is a dream, I think can safely be said is left to the viewers to decide, but maybe the closing scenes give a definitive answer....who knows.
Hovering about at the back of house provides the cinematographer a real challenge, with many continuous shots, some are really astounding. Not since "The West Wing" has so much corridor weaving been seen on screen.
But the main battle for Thompson is proving that he is an actor and not a movie star. Anyone can be a movie star, but it takes someone with talent to be an actor, and threading the boards is where many thespians say that they really perform their true craft. But he may have a war of words to comtend with, as attending the first night will 'Tabitha Dickinson', a Critic who is determined to sink his play on opening night, and she warns Thompson of this, before she has seen a single scene

Some have likened the story material to Keaton's own life, having once played the Caped Crusader, and never really having hit the big time since, despite many varied roles over the many years since playing 'Bruce Wayne'. But rest assured he gives a great performance as 'Riggin Thompson', and is worthy of all the plaudits he is getting, and could be a real contender for Oscar.
There is great support too from the likes of Naomi Watts, Amy Ryan, Emma Stone, Zach Galifinakis and most notably Edward Norton as the actor to make Lee Strasberg proud !! 

Well written, brilliantly acted and a real delight to watch................8 out of 10

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