Sunday 29 June 2014


This review may seem late in coming, but I missed it first time round, and thanks to something our local Cinema chain does, I was give the chance to this movie.

I have to start by saying that I cannot recall in recent memory of having been so misled by a films trailer. Watching it, you see a desperate man, alone in his vehicle, clearly under immense pressure, having some very heated phonecalls. And considering that the film is just him in the vehicle, and dealing with this pressure, the sense of confinement would surely make for a very tense and atmospheric film.

It is still tense and atmospheric but not to the level that was indicated in the trailer, and certainly not through the reasons that one was led to be the cause of his bad night.
Dont get me wrong, the film is worth watching as it is a vehicle, forgive the pun, to show the great acting talents of Tom Hardy who does a great job of man under pressure. The lead character should be in the circus with howmuch juggling he has to do.
Naturally with his making a lot of phone calls, there are several well known names doing the voices for these various characters, and i have to say that some may find more fun in identifying the unseen cast. I was surprised by some of the names I saw in the end credits.

Good but could have been so much better...... 7 out of 10

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