Monday 9 June 2014

"A Million Ways To Die In The West"

What can one say about Seth MacFarlane? Well despite what a disaster he made of hosting the Oscars, he would appear to have a love of the western. And that is the genre that is the setting for his latest comedy.
Albert is a sheep farmer, and he has never really amounted to much. Still living with his folks, but he does have the love of a good woman, Louise, well that is until she dumps him, feeling she can do better elsewhere. So he is feeling understandably low, that is until he meets Anna, who has just moved into town with her 'brother'. She brings him alive, but there is a inevitable downside. She is married, and not to just any old cowboy, but the most terrifying sadistic gunslinger this side of Dodge City, wonderfully played by Liam Neeson.

Will Albert prove his worth when challenged by Clinch in a duel?
How far can an unsheared sheep see?
And just how many cameos can you have in a movie?

All these questions and many more are answered with the comedic style that made "Ted" such the hit that it was. I have to be slightly critical of the fact that a lot of the laughs are seen in the trailer, but fret not as there is still plenty to laugh at. There is some toilet humour which is not for the faint hearted.
But as mentioned MacFarlane does seem to love the westen, as the opening features some stunning cinematography, huge credits done in the style of a 60's western, and a great score. During the scene you would almost be forgiven for thinking you were watching the wrong film.

If you have not seen the trailer, loved "Ted" and like a western, then there is no reason why you will not thoroughly enjoy this latest film, which MacFarlane, starred in, wrote, produced and Directed.
As mentioned there are some cameos to watch out for, and a nice little surprise.

A comedy with some good laughs and a nice western homage......7 out of 10

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