Saturday 18 January 2014

"The Railway Man"

Eric Lomax loves the railways. From a young age he has had a passion for locomotives. His autobiography is appropriately enough called "The Railway Man". He met his wife whilst on a train, the woman who would be by side always. But Eric is troubled by his past.
During the SecondWorld War, some 40 years previous, he was held captive along with many of his friends in a Japanese Prisoner of War camp. So traumatic are the events that took place in the Camp, that he is still haunted, and he keeps his pain deeply locked inside, his wife feeling so useless in being unable to help free him from his pain.
She seeks help from his closest friend, Finlay, but even says it would be hard for her to understand what her husband has been through, but he begins to recount the events that happened.

Through flashback we witness what happened to Eric and Finlay in that camp. Upon arrival in the camp, the men combine their skills, and are able to assemble a small radio, through which they are able to hear news of what is happening within the War. With this news they are able to boost morale, but in time, the Japanese become aware of what is happening, and those responsible are severely punished, Lomax especially.I doubt even we are privvy to the full extent of what happened. But you do get some idea of the horrors that were inflicted on these brave men during this time of War.
It is a remarkable story of survival under remarkable conditions. How these men survived the conditions they were in, Lord only knows.
But even knowing what she knows, the information does not help her have her husband back, as he slips further away, further from reality as he lets debts rise, and causes more anxiety for his beloved wife. Then Finlay presents a possible solution, but it will be one that sees a resolution for both husband and wife?
It seems that Finlay has discovered the whereabouts of Nagase, the man responsible for much of ther suffering at the Camp, and Finlay believes that Eric will want revenge, and thus closure for what he and his friends have suffered.
The two men do indeed meet, and Eric is keen to illustrate the indignity and suffering they had to endure. But through this process he comes to understand the suffering also endured by his Captor, almost like a meeting of minds. And in a remarkable turn of events, the most amazing act of forgiveness takes place. And it is this that calms Eric's tortured soul.

The story is so compelling, featuring these two men on a journey that will change their lives forever. The whole cast give exemplary performances, from Colin Firth who excels as Eric Lomax, to Nicole Kidman as his wife. Great support too from Stellan Skarsgard as the best friend Finlay, and Jeremy Irvine as the young Eric, and who bares an uncanny resemblence.

For me the most moving part was finding out what happened to the two men after the events depicted in the film end, and you also see the real life individuals.
A journey you will not forget in a hurry...........8 out of 10

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