Saturday 18 January 2014

"American Hustle"

Irving is a small time Con Man, fleecing a few thousand dollars from unsuspecting desperate people, and selling the odd forged painting. He then meets the glamorous Sydney, and he sees a way how, with their immeasurable combined talents, that they can really make the most of the Con Game.

Their success is huge, but all comes crashing down around them when they are found out by the FBI. However, they are after a bigger fish, and using the talents that the duo have, the Bureau aim to bring to justice some rather corrupt officials.
And as compelling as that all sounds, they aim even further still, when they look into the affairs of a big Mob family.
Con Man Irving and Bureau Agent DiMaso are constantly battling for the affections of the stunningly beautiful Sydney, and this is dispite the fact that both are involved with other women.

The film has been both a critical and box office success, and has been equally successful at the recent Golden Globe Awards, and will likely be replicated at the forthcoming Academy Awards.
Though I have to admit that I am baffled why. The first hour is pretty dragged out, and long winded. With a running time of 138 minutes, for me the film is too long, and could easily have a decent 20 minutes shaved off it, and it may have been more bareable.
Don't get me wrong, I do not begrudge the acting awards it won, as the cast, as one has come to expect are all excellent, especially such strong female characters, in a very male world. So top marks to both Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams. It is ultimately let down by a weak and unengaging story,

As a whole it is ok. it loses marks for the running time, the slow pace,  but gains marks for the two female leads especially and a great soundtrack.

The main question remains, I have been conned out of what could have been a truly great movie.........6 out of 10

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