Tuesday 15 January 2013

"Twilight Breaking Dawn Pt 2"

The epic (?) film series reaches it finale, with the second part of "Breaking Dawn". All the varied strands of the movies have led to this.

At the end of part one, we saw 'Bella' having given birth to a daughter, and in order to save her life after undergoing such trauma through the birth, Edward was on hand to convert her to a Vampire, as it was the only way to save her life.
Part two, and Bella and Edward are adjusting to life as Vampires together, and also to their new arrival. However, bad news is on the horizon for them as the Volturi upon hearing of the birth of their daughter, wrongly believe her to be an Immortal Child, and this is a sin against all they hold dear, so they venture to the States to seek the death of the child and also the Cullen family.

This leads to an inevitable showdown between the Cullen allied by their friends and the Werewolves, against the Volturi. I seem to recall that the ending of the film differs to that of the book, though having not read the book, I do not whether this is the case or in what way. The showdown is impressive and well worth waiting for, though you may feel short changed at the climax of it.

Overall it has been a good series, with both hits and misses, and seeing Taylor Lautner strip down to his boxers in this last movie almost makes this one a hit!!
I still dont think the original film can be beaten, it stands as a highly enjoyable movie, and far exceeded my expectations.

A nice finish, but glad that it is over......6 out of 10

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