Sunday 2 December 2012

"Love Bite"

The seaside can be a fun place to visit, fish and chips, a walk on the beach, visit the amusement arcades, and ripped to shreds by a werewolf......

Yes that last one is correct, well it is in Rainmouth, where this latest comedy horror is set. The sleepy seaside town has fallen victim to a lycanthrope.
Jamie (Ed Speleers), who more orless runs his mother's boarding house, hangs around the town with his friends, a motley group of no-hopers, all represented from the nerd, to the cock sure sex mad one. However, Jamie's world takes a turn for the better when Juliana arrives in town, but she is not the only new arrival. Hot on her heels is the very mysterious Sid, looking like a tramp version of Van Helsing.

It transpires that there is indeed a werewolf on the loose, and ripping young virgins to shreds. This worries Jamie considerably as he has yet to lose his cherry. Despite his falling for Juliana, they never seem to be able to find that special moment for some bedroom shananigans. Could the fact that Sid is always shadowing her be a factor? Is she the werewolf terrorising the town? Is Sid a double bluff, and actually the hairy beast himself?  Do we care?  No we bloody don't.

Sadly this is pathetic entry in the genre of British horror, the most horrific thing about the whole effort is that it was commissioned in the first place. One can only assume that Timothy Spall owes the Director or Producer a favour, or did them a favour,as I can see no reason for an actor of his calibre to appear in such drivel.

However, when you see the score, you may wonder why it is as high as it is. The answer is simple, you get to see Ed Speleers naked, (no frontal) and yes it is worth seeing for that alone, and yes I am that shallow.....sorry folks

All hair and no bite.........4 out of 10

Saturday 1 December 2012


I said in a recent review for the Joseph Gordon-Levitt film "Premium Rush" that I hoped that "Looper" would restore our faith in his ability to pick pleasing film projects....after watching "Looper" our faith is well and truly restored.

I will endeavour to do my best in describing the plot of the movie, without hopefully making it sound too complicated.
In the year 2074, time travel is a possibility, however it has been declare illegal, as the criminal fraternity have been using the process for the own gain. To put a stop to the use of time travel, a team has been assembled, and they send those caught time travelling back in time 30 years, where a looper is waiting to kill the criminal and dispose of the body.
'Joe' is one of the team of loopers who has this task. The team was assembled by 'Abe' who has come back in time with the necessary know how to put it all into practice.

The only problem for Joe is that his latest victim is his future self, not an uncommon practice, but still it can be unsettling for the looper, and some are not always able to carry out the hit. And that very sutuation happens here, so now we have two Joes to contend with. Each having their own agenda. Older Joe has travelled back to deal with 'the Rainmaker' a terrorist running riot in his time, his aim to travel back and kick him but as a child.

The stories being told by the respective characters are all equally compelling. We get a wonderful look at the future, beautifully recreated, in both visual effects, and also production design.  The stories all start to converge when the three main protagonists meet on a farm, run by Sara, a young mother, whose Son has some unique abilities. Could he be 'the rainmaker'?  One thing is for certain, is that it builds to a very memorable finale.

All performances in the film are great, but I have to give a special mention to Pierce Gagnon, who plays 'Cid', the young boy. He is truly amazing, at times moving, and then other times he is truly chilling. For such a young actor to this give this level of performance is remarkable.

Yes there are plot holes in the film the size of the national debt in Greece, but for anyone who loves fantasy of science fiction, this is a film to be loved, as they seldom get as good as this. A real delight to watch.......9 out of 10.

"Paranormal Activity 4"

Quite frankly I do not propose to spend a lot of time on this review, as (a) I am a tad behind with reviews, (b) the film is dire and not worth my time.

All you need to know is that the baby abducted at the end of the first film reappears, now living in a new neighbourhood, with his mysterious 'mother', and befriends a family over the road. Strange things start to happen to the family whenever the boy visits, all the usual stuff, and this normally would be a good thing, as the one thing I have found with this series of movies, is that it does chilling very well. Alas there had to be an exception, and this is that very exception.

The advent of the webcam brings a new dimension to this film, but it is prolonged, and the characters mainly involved with the webcam are not that engaging. The film does also seem to stretch credibility in why the use of a video camera is being used so much.

After three really entertaining and chilling movies, the first dud in the series, and given that a fifth film has been green lit, let us hope that it is the last.......4 out of 10