Friday 28 September 2012

"To Rome With Love"

Woody Allen is back with his latest movie, here we see the various story strands of several characters all who are in the Italian city of love.

There are the parents of 'Hayley' arriving in town for their daughter's forthcoming marriage to a local Italian man, 'Leopoldo' who is thrust into the limelight to become the next greatest celebrity though he has no idea why, a newly married couple, with the husband desperate to impress his family who could further his career, an Architect revisiting his past, and a possible trio of love entanglements when three friends get together.

It was a great pleasure to this movie on the big screen, it having been a staggering 7 years since I last saw an Allen film at the cinema. Much to my shame I did not see the masterpiece that is "Midnight In Paris" at the cinema, and I still greatly regret it.

This is a good Allen, but it has to be said it is not his best work. The comedy is there, but at times rather thin on the ground. I have noticed that quite often the best Allen films are the ones that he just writes and directs. This could well be the case here. I mean look at how successful "Midnight In Paris" was, also with "Bullets over Broadway", and contrary to popular opinion, I am a big fan of "Match Point".

Again it is clear that Hollywood is keen to work with Allen, assembling a great cast, Begnigni is especially wonderful as the bewildered celebrity. It examines what it is like to be a nobody and then to have the world at your feet.

I suppose given that Woody Allen has made about 40 films is as many years, to still be producing films of this calibre is remarkable.
One cannot expect a "Midnight In Paris" every time........6 out of 10

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