Tuesday 4 September 2012

"The Imposter"

In 1994 Nicholas Barclay disappeared from the family town. His family heard nothing from him. That is until 3 years later. In Spain the local authorities get a phone call from a tourist who has found a young man, claiming to have been kidnapped. The Spanish Authorities contact the U.S. and with the help of the FBI, it turns out that he could well be the missing Barclay boy......or is he?

In actuality, he was a French man, someone who spends his life pretending to be other people. Who was wanted by INERPOL for several cases of impersonation. He hoped that by pretending to be the missing American boy, he could start himself a new life in the States.

The description of the missing boy, and the appearance of the supposed missing boy did have a few discrepancies. Firstly hair colour was different, then there was the different accent, also why would a blonde 16 year old have a two day beard growth, almost jet black?  And most damning was the question of the his changed eye colour.
These factors did seem to cause the FBI something to question, but not enough it would seem to be overly concerned. The family also seemed to have no worries that this was their returning son.

Were the family so desperate to have son back that they would overlook any possible factors that could give to the fact that this man could be an imposter?
How on earth were the local Authorities and the FBI so incompetent in their duties in making sure that this man was who he claimed to be?

The story is told with a combination of interviews with the family and Bourdin, the French con artrist, and also figures from the Authorities, as well as Family photos, and reconstructions. The film is well put together, but whether it was me missing something, but I just found the whole thing boring. So many Critics have raved about this film, and on 'Rotten Tomatoes' it has a rating of 95%, so hey what do I know.
Towards the end the film takes a turn, and may just make the film worthwhile, in that did the family have an ulterior motive for wanting 'Nicholas' back?....does anything come it?  Well that would be telling, but for me this film did not cut the mustard.

OK, but just felt that something was missing.....5 out of 10

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