Sunday 15 April 2012


Former criminal and now Family Man Chris is content with his life. The past and the crimes he undertook are far behind him. Or are they?
That is until his brother-in-law Andy decides to try and earn some extra cash by drug smuggling. Unfortunately when the ship is raided by Customs, he has to throw the drugs overboard to avoid being arrested. Naturally this does not please the people he was meant to delivering the drugs to.

 Andy is now in serious debt to his paymaster Tim Briggs, a rather nasty piece of work. Clearly out of his depth, Andy turns to Chris to help him get Briggs off his back. The only way that Briggs will consider the debt cleared is if Chris will help with a new job that he is planning.
As as wise man once said, the Best Laid Plans etc, and naturally all does not go well. So with the venture going up the swanee, not only is Chris at risk now but so are his family.  Helping Chris through this tough time is his best friend Sebastian.
Events really start to spiral out of control when Chris has to undertake another job to put right the one that went wrong. And guess what?  Yep, that ones goes pear-shaped as well. It could almost be a comedy, as at times the plot is quite laughable. How he gets out of the scrapes he is in is remarkable. He is either very lucky or the best  Criminal in history.

All in all, it is not a great movie, it will not go down as a classic, and will do little to improve the careers of any of the cast.......4 out of 10

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