Sunday 15 April 2012

"Bel Ami"

When I first found a film called "Bel Ami" and starring Robert Pattinson, I did get rather excited, thinking about the "Twilight" actor starring in a biopic on the Gay Porn studio. But alas my hopes were dashed, as the story is somewhat different.

Georges Duroy is a penniless French man, recently returned from War with barely a franc to his name. When in a seedy Bar one night, he reacquaints himself with his former commanding officer Forestier, a man who has made quite the name for himself. The two arrange to have dinner. When Georges is brought into Forestier's world, this is something that he likes very much, though would he fit in, and could he afford it?
Into this world of great beauty and wealth comes tumbling Georges, and he meets the lady of the house, and through her some other ladies of the town. All very well connected, and all looking to enjoy Georges company, or maybe something more. Yes he is rough around the edges, but maybe this is something that appeals to them with their mundane lives,.
Georges is given a job at the Newspaper that Forestier is Editor for, and also the Proprietor is Rousset, whose wife and Daughter have taken a shine to Georges. Slowly Georges worms his way into the lives of all the ladies, and whenever he wants something he goes to whichever best suits his needs.

It is a highly enjoyable movie, with Pattinson shaking off his "Twilight" image, though I am surfe there are many young ladies who will gain some enjoyment from the movie.
The film delves into Society life, and whether Georges could ever truly be one of them. Nice to see British Actor Philip Glenister in such a high profile movie, and he gives a good performance as Forestier.
The female members of the cast all give great performances, as one would expect from the likes of Uma Thurman, Kristen Scott Thomas and Christina Ricci.

Entertaining........6 out of 10

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