Sunday 5 February 2023



Here we have the latest thriller from the Blumhouse team. A young girl is orphaned, and goes to live with her Aunt, who is a robotics genius. Struggling to cope with her grief, the Aunt creates a new play friend for her Niece, a piece of AI robotic wizardry, and called Megan. 

Given that her primary keeper is Cady (the Niece), Megan will do all it must to look after her, and more importantly to protect her. You can clearly see where this is going.

From the Neighbours dog, to a local bully, all become the target of Megan, as she engages on a psychotic journey from teacher and saviour to your worst nightmare. 

The plot is wafer thin, incredibly predictable, and with very little tension. And when all looks lost for Aunt and Niece, their rescuer is all too obvious. The Android itself looks and is rather creepy, but should have been used more effectively.

Despite my low praise, I clearly know very little, as the film has been a hit and a sequel has already been given the green light. Dull and predictable...............4 out of 10

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