Sunday 21 October 2018

"Fahrenheit 11/9"

Out there amongst the masses, there are fans of Film-maker Michael Moore, and there are his haters too. Over the years, Moore has made a variety of insightful documentaries, whether looking at the decline of his Home town of Flint Michigan, or America's ridiculous obsession with Guns, to Health Care, and the lack there of, and of course in "Fahrenheit 9/11" he looks at President Bush, and his time in The White House.
So, I guess in a way, this is something of a sequel, the only thing is we have a change in the lead. We have gone from President Bush to Donald Trump.

Anyone who has seen the former film will get a sense of deja vu when watching F11/9, as it opens in exactly the same way that the earlier film did. Was it all a dream? It takes a fascinating opening look at that election of 2016. Seeing the comparisons between the Democrats and Republicans as the evenings events unfold was quite something.
There are also some startling, I guiess you'd call them claims, made by Moore, and his close relationship with a particular family member.
The film tries to explain how Trump became the 45th US President, and it looks at the Governor of Michigan, and from there the film looks at a health issue in Flint involving polluted drinking water. From here we hear very little about Trump, and its more about the lack of care and help that the people of Flint received. It is very much a film of two halves, in fact the story of Rick Snyder, Governor of Michigan and the whole Flint health problems could have been a seperate film in its own right.
Moore evens take a swing at Presidents Clinton & Obama, so no-one is out of range.

With a style similar to that of F9/11, the film looks at the issues raised with a mix of clips, interviews and is both shocking, powerful and insightful. Forgive the expression but it does make one wonder how America got so fucked up.
A well made film, though not quite as good as it predecessor, and I would have liked a little more on Donald J. Trump, and possible links to a Country renowned for Vodka and the Cold War.

Moore doing what Moore does best......8 out of 10

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