Tuesday 30 October 2018

"Bohemian Rhapsody"

The production of this movie has been ongoing for quite some time, and one forgets about all the goings on, most notably the sacking of A-List Director Bryan Singer just before the film was completed. In fact the production of the film could probably make for a compelling documentary.

Again like "Hunter Killer", I am wondering whether I have seen the same film as some critics, given some of the comments that I have been reading. I am baffled as to why anyone cannot heap the greatest of praise on this biopic.The film charts the career of both the Group Queen, and its legendary front man Freddie Mercury, one of the greatest Performers of all time.
The film opens with a brief glimpse of what will be a memorable performance at Live Aid, but then we back track at take look at the rise of one of the greatest Rock groups ever, and the many journeys that they have been on.

There are very few people who will be unaware of the music of Queen, and the film provides a wonderful reminder of the many great tracks that they wrote and performed. It tells the fascinating story of their early days, the problems they faced with getting the title song released, Freddie wanting to go solo, and that now legendary performance in July 1985.
I feel sure that had the film just been about Freddie Mercury, then there would be enough material for an epic length movie, but the film looks at the group and lead singer in equal measure.
The performances are all great but naturally the stand out is Rami Malek as Freddie. Hard to believe that at one stage Sacha Baron Cohen was shortlisted for the role. I know that there is a lot of debate as to how much of the singing Rami actually does, but performance wise he cannot be faulted, he really does bring Freddie back to life.

As the film builds to its finale, you listen to the great lyrics, and seeing Rami as Freddie, and you see this showstopping performer on stage, and its just gets one thinking of what a great loss his passing at such a young age.

It really is a kind of magic.....9 out of 10

Friday 26 October 2018

"Hunter Killer"

I'm not sure whether I am missing something, but having read some of the reviews of the latest thriller, I feel I may have been watching a different film. Millennium films and Gerard Butler did work on the truly dire "London Has Fallen", now maybe some of those Critics have gotten rather snobby and just have a grudge against the Creative team.
Having watched "Bad Times at The El Royale" last week, which disappeared from my local Cinema after just one week, it is like history repeating itself, as it is the same scenario with "Hunter Killer" but whilst I could understand why "Bad Times" left quite quick, I am baffled as to why with this Submarine thriller.

As US Sub is tracking a Russian Sub. An explosion occurs on the Soviet vessel, made to have us think it was attacked by the US Sub, and then seconds later the US Sub is torpedoed.
A sub is found that is within range and can investigate what has happened. Newly installed Sub Captain Gerard Butler and his Crew venture to Russain waters to uncover the attack on the US Sub.
Meanwhile above the Russian waters, things are afoot, as the Russian Minister of Defence is plotting a coup to overthrow the President. Clearly the aim is to start something along the lines of World War III.

Capt Joe Glass (Butler) has his Crew arrive at the site of the two Submarine wrecks and discover that the explosion on the Russian Sub was from within, and that the attack on the US Sub was unjustified. Remarkably they find three survivors from the Russian Sub, and despite the protestations and glares of most of his crew he gives them sanctuary. It proves to be a master stroke as the Russian Captain's knowledge will become invaluable later.

Situations escalate, tempers flare, and lives are at risk. The two Submarine Captains, both veterans at what they do, come to realise what is at stake, and work together so that the Sub can liaise with the Covert Ops Team, and get the Russian President away from the mad Defence Minister.

The events of the Coup at he Russian Naval Base are bing relayed back to the US authorities by means of a covert team working on the ground. They get a revised mission which is to rescue the Russian President and get him on board the USS Tampa Bay.

I have always enjoyed Submarine films, it is that sense of confinement which really heightens the tnesion. just rmember great films like "Crimson Tide", "The Abyss", "The Hunt for Red October", "Down Periscope"....hmmm, maybe not that last one.
The film brilliantly combines some great action scenes on the ground with the team led by Toby Stephens, and some tense drama under the water, and some especially scenes between Gerard Butler and Michael Nyqvist as the Sub Captains. It makes for great viewing seeing the two of them on screen together. 

I was more than pleasantly surprised by this excellent thriller. The only weak link are the scenes in America with the likes of Gary Oldman and Common, and a fairly lacklustre female US President. Where's Hillary when you want her??
A great low key performance from Butler, and a fitting tribute to the late Michael Nyqvist...8 out of 10

"Bad Times At The El Royale"

During recent visits to the Cinema, I have seen the trailer for this new release a number of times, and each time it has left me with a sense of looking forward to seeing it. My need to see the film was sped up, when it became apparent that it would be leaving my local Cineworld after just one week. This was not a good sign......

We start at the infamous hotel where we see a suitcase being buried in one of the rooms. Jump forward ten years and we are back at the hotel as a group of varied Customers arrive all looking for a room at the El Royale. The hotel is split right down the middle as the State line goes right through the Centre of the hotel, so they can either stay in the California or Nevada side.
It is clear from the off that all the new residents of the El Royale have secrets, and by the looks of it, so do the staff.

Events all come to a head with the arrival of Cult leader Chris Hemsworth, and there is a big showdown in the hotels Foyer.
What struck me is that it seemed to echo the far superior "Pulp Fiction", in that there is a group of varying characters, once introduced the timelines jump around and from different perspectives. And despite both films having a similar running time, just under two and a half hours, where with "Pulp Fiction" the time just flies, with "Bad Times" it does rather drag, and it could quite easily have had a good 20 - 30 minutes shaved off.

There was some distracting sights in the film, most notably the following:-

I suppose it could be classed as some form of compensation for a lacklustre film.....6 out of 10

Sunday 21 October 2018

"Fahrenheit 11/9"

Out there amongst the masses, there are fans of Film-maker Michael Moore, and there are his haters too. Over the years, Moore has made a variety of insightful documentaries, whether looking at the decline of his Home town of Flint Michigan, or America's ridiculous obsession with Guns, to Health Care, and the lack there of, and of course in "Fahrenheit 9/11" he looks at President Bush, and his time in The White House.
So, I guess in a way, this is something of a sequel, the only thing is we have a change in the lead. We have gone from President Bush to Donald Trump.

Anyone who has seen the former film will get a sense of deja vu when watching F11/9, as it opens in exactly the same way that the earlier film did. Was it all a dream? It takes a fascinating opening look at that election of 2016. Seeing the comparisons between the Democrats and Republicans as the evenings events unfold was quite something.
There are also some startling, I guiess you'd call them claims, made by Moore, and his close relationship with a particular family member.
The film tries to explain how Trump became the 45th US President, and it looks at the Governor of Michigan, and from there the film looks at a health issue in Flint involving polluted drinking water. From here we hear very little about Trump, and its more about the lack of care and help that the people of Flint received. It is very much a film of two halves, in fact the story of Rick Snyder, Governor of Michigan and the whole Flint health problems could have been a seperate film in its own right.
Moore evens take a swing at Presidents Clinton & Obama, so no-one is out of range.

With a style similar to that of F9/11, the film looks at the issues raised with a mix of clips, interviews and is both shocking, powerful and insightful. Forgive the expression but it does make one wonder how America got so fucked up.
A well made film, though not quite as good as it predecessor, and I would have liked a little more on Donald J. Trump, and possible links to a Country renowned for Vodka and the Cold War.

Moore doing what Moore does best......8 out of 10

"A Star Is Born"

I have to admit my failings as a film fan with regard to this new release in that I thought that this was the second remake. I naturally knew of both the Judy Garland and Barbra Streisand starring movies, but I was not aware that these too were both remakes and that the original film came out way back in 1937.

There has been a lot of talk about this movie. There is much gushing from the Critics about every aspect of the film, and the audiences also are flocking to see the film in high numbers.
It sees the Directorial debut of lead Actor Bradley Cooper, and although not her first time on the big screen, I guess you could say that this is the first major starring role for lead actress Lady Gaga.

Looking at the time line, it would seem that "A Star is Born" is revisted every 20 to 30 years, and this time round we have Bradley Cooper as Jackson Maine, a Country & Western star, still popular and regularly on tour, and all this despite a great love for alcohol, and definitely too much of it. Coming off stage and in serious need of a drink, he finds himself in a Drag bar, and whilst whetting his whistle, on stage comes Ally, a young woman, popular with the clientele, and as she performs, it lights a spark in Jackson.
They start spending time together, and there is a real chemistry between them. During one of his concerts, she has a Backstage pass, and despite her belief that she is not talented, he manages to get her to come on stage with him, and perform one of her own songs. Terrified, she overcomes her insecurities, and gives a blinding performance in a duet with Jackson.
And that is where everything changes.

Given the technological World we live in, it is only natural that someone films her performance with their mobile and said video ends up on YouTube.
Naturally record Producers coming knocking at her door.
For want of a better phrase, it is the old rags to riches story, where the performing veteran takes a back seat as this young and very talented lady becomes a really huge star. Her Career and his drinking lead to a truly embarrassing moment, and one does wonder if her time in the limelight has come crashing to an end.

Yes, it is as good as people say, me included.
A story that has been done many times, but given new blood with great performances especially from the two leads, but also amazing songs, performed again by the two main leads.
Bradley Cooper is great as the whisky drinking Jackson Maine. But the real star, probably quite aptly is Lady Gaga who just truly shines as Ally. Whether acting or performing her own songs, she really is exceptional, and it will be interesting to see if she is shortlisted for an Academy Award come January.
Bradley Cooper does however excel in the Directors Chair, he directs the film with a look and style that gives the impression that he has been directing for years. He is a natural. One wonders whether he has been picking up tips from some of the greats that he has been directed by, style wise most notably Clint Eastwood.

One definitely to watch.......9 out of 10

"First Man"

One of the major marketing aspects of this film, is that if watched the right way, for example on IMAX, this will be as close as some will ever get to being in a rocket or landing on the moon.

The Director and lead actor of Oscar winning movie "La La Land" are reunited, as they tell the story of Neil Armstrong and his mission to be the first on the moon. The film opens in spectacular style as we find our astronaut in a test flight, and having to make a crash landing on Earth. This sees him getting grounded. Frustrated he wonders if his lunar dreams will be realised.
Obviously we all know how the story ends, but this film documents the journey made, the costs both financially and in lives lost.

There are aspects of the film that are top notch, for example the recreation of the 1960's, the sound effects and editing, and the visual effects most notably used with the various craft taking off and their journey into space.

As I mentioned much has been made of the use of IMAX cameras during the making of this film. For me one thing is clear.
Director Christopher Nolan knows how to use an IMAX camera.
Director Damien Chazelle does not know how to use an IMAX camera.
If you are going to show one of your cast members, then it is rather unwise to do a rather extreme close-up especially on the IMAX format, and given the size of the screen that the imagery will be shown on. There are other times when footage is shown blurred. I would really pity any poor sod who sits too close to the screen, unaware of what they are going to see, this could quite easily induce motion sickness.

Despite being the leading man, I'm afraid that Ryan Gosling does not get the best opportunity to flex his acting muscles. Very little demand is made of him as an actor, probably the main time is when Neil is coping, as best he can, with the loss of his daughter. I do think that Claire Foy fairs better as his Wife, Janet.

It was a shame to walk away from this film feeling a little disappointed. But alas that was the case. It was a good film but not the great movie that I had hoped for.......7 out of 10.