Saturday 21 July 2018

"Hotel Artemis"

Yes I'm back. I have not a Film Review for a considerable amount of time, and the second of these latest two reviews was what inspired me to start again. Apologies for being away for so long, but down to business.

The concept of "Hotel Artemis" intrigued me, and made for a must see film, especially given that it stars both Jodie Foster and Jeff Goldblum. Set 10 years in the future, in Los Angeles during a Riot, we find the Hotel Artemis is taking a lot of bookings....but not all is as it seems. For the Hotel is actually a front, a cover concealing that it is actually an exclusive Hospital where the criminally injured can go and get their gunshot wounds healed etc, and no questions asked. Just pay your membership, obey the rules, and all is peachy.
We get introduced to some fascinating characters, most of whom have secrets, including Nurse, who is the medical charge on duty. Despite the Riot, it's just a normal Wednesday at the Hotel, that is until the Crime Boss of Los Angeles, and Owner of the Hotel Hospital, The Wolf King, turns up in need of some medical assistance. This is when the fun really begins.

The plays along quite nicely, the characters all well fleshed out, and well played. Minor quibbles are Jeff Goldblum is given very little screen time, despite a wonderful opening. There isn't quite the big finale that one might expect from a film like this.
Jodie Foster is as reliable as ever, in a role that is something of a departure for her. Anything that gives the Oscar winner screen time gets a thumbs up from me.

The best way I can think to describe the film is imagine a medical action drama with shades of "Escape from New York" and "Assault on Precinct 13". Had this been released 35 years ago, then it would almost certainly have had John Carpenter's name attached.

Enjoyable enough......7 out of 10

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