Friday 2 March 2018

Oscar Nominations 2018 - My Thoughts

A little later this year but here are my thoughts on the nominations for the 90th Annual Academy Awards...

Just because the Academy has increased the quote to a maximum of ten movies, does not mean that we have to have a full list, or as in this year, nine.
For me there are a number of films which should not have made the shortlist, and a few omissions, as always.
I have seen all nine of this years nominees, so am well voiced to be critical. For me I would have left out "Phantom Thread", "Lady Bird", at a push "The Shape of Water". All really good films, but one questions whether worthy of a Best Picture nomination.

I must add, that I feel "Get Out" is woefully overrated. Again like the others, it is a good film, cleverly written, but it DOES NOT deserve a Best Picture nomination, or quite a few of its other nominations.
And although there is a lot of love for Aaron Sorkin's "Molly's Game", for me the far superior Jessica Chastain film is "Miss. Sloane", which for me is one of the years best....and not a single nomination.

The only one good thing that having so many nominees in this category does is split the vote mnore, and can lead to an upset, which as a viewer is always exciting....though as with "Spotlight" not always a good choice.

I never understand this one. Of late there are more times when the Best Director & Best Picture Oscars go to different films. I know that logic should not factor into the Oscars, silly me for thinking it would, but surely what is voted Best film, then the Director responsible should be rewarded accordingly. However I will also say that this year there would be a fair argument for Christopher Nolan winning Director for his work on "Dunkirk" yet, like many others, feel it is not the best Film. But given how brilliant say "Three Billboards..." is, it is surely a crime that Director Martin McDonagh has not even been nominated. With nine Best Picture nominees, and only five for Director, yes someone is going to lose out. But surely not the Director for the favourite to win Best Picture?
Even if Martin McDonagh had been nominated, I'm sure that Guillermo Del Toro would have won anyway, but that's not the point. There are at least 3 Directors who should not have made the shortlist...Paul Thomas Anderson, Greta Gerwig, and Jordan Peele. Where are the nominees for Joe Wright & Luca Guadagnino?

Overall I would say that these categories are pretty good. There is the odd exception, and I would have expected a nod to Dame Judi Dench for her stunning work in "Victoria & Abdul" but other than that, its as expected.

Again as above, these two categories are pretty much as expected. The only thing I have wondered is whether Kevin Spacey would have gotten a nod for his portrayal of John Paul Getty had it not been for the scandal that saw him replaced by Christopher Plummer?

I think this year it is all about ticking boxes, and it SHOULD be about the films, performances and craft technicians who really deserve the recognition.

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