Tuesday 9 December 2014

"Black Sea"

After 11 years of service to his Company, Submarine Pilot Captain Robinson finds his services dispensed with. Needless to say he is more than a little annoyed by this news. He seeks solace with his former colleagues in the the local Pub.
Whilst conversing, one of the sea-goers mentions of a potential gold mine sitting at the bottom of the ocean. It consists of a sunken U-Boat full of Nazi gold, just ready for the taking.

Having secured finance for the venture from a shady businessman, for upto 40% of what they get, and having assembled a crew of both British and Russian crewman, their well travelled Submarine hits the water. 

Everything seems to be going swimmingly, forgive the pun. They are on course for their golden rondezvous. But a little tension has started to build, mainly to do with the fact that all the men on board get a even split of what they get. Some of the British object to the Russians getting the same, and soon enough tempers start to flare. Eventually the inevitable happens, knifes are involved are the number of men on board starts to lessen. Now distrust starts to really set in, as some of the crew have realised that their share becomes bigger with less men on board, howver the flip side is that it takes a certain number of men, minimum to operate the Sub.

But soon a fight for a share of the gold, becomes a fight to survive, and the very U-Boat that they have come to plunder, is set to be their very source of salvation. Their Sub is without power and need the Drive shaft from the U-Boat to make their getaway.
Unfortunately for the Crew, things start to reach breaking point, with a revelation from one of the Crew regarding the distribution of the gold. Soon the urge to survive becomes the primary goal, no matter what the cost.

The Hunt for Red October and Crimson Tide. These are great Submarine movies, and though "Black Sea" does not hit the same high standards, it is still worth the watch. The great thing about these movies is the way the tension is built, especially as the men are all confined in such a small space, with no way of getting out.
Robinson is estranged from his wife and child, and clearly bonds with the youngest member of the Crew, Tobin. Soon to be a Father himself, maybe Tobin reminds Robinson of the bonds he had with his own child, and goes someway to explaining why he is so keen to protect Tobin.
To create great tension can need a skillful Director, and given his previous track record, the film is in good hands with Kevin Macdonald.

A decent effort, well worth the watch............7 out of 10

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