Sunday 5 October 2014

Before I Go To Sleep

I am sure that in numerous of the reviews for this film, that a certain British Director is named, as the film will undoubtedly be compared to that of Alfred Hitchcock. The legendary Director has no fear that his toes are being stood upon, for this latest thriller is no threat at all to his reputation.

Christine wakes up each day, knowing that any memories of her previous days have been wiped from her mind, as she is an amnesiac. Have suffered an ordeal, and severe trauma to the head, this is the end result. Each morning she awakes to find her husband in bed next to her, not knowing who he is. She gets phone calls from her Doctor, telling her that they meet regularly, and to retrieve a camera, on which she has been recording thoughts and memories for herself, to know who she really is.

But who was behind the trauma that she sustained?  Does her physician Doctor Nash have some hidden secrets?  And who is the mysterious Claire?

By the time the answers to these questions start to appear, severe boredom has crept in, and one is not at all fussed about knowing the answers, and it is a shame as there is a nice little twist within the movie.
Clearly the two leads, Firth and Kidman, enjoy working together as this is at least the second time they have done so, previously playing together in "The Railway Man". And adding Mark Strong and Anne Marie Duff should make for a great thriller, but that is not the case, and the trailer promised so much, but alas so little was delivered.

Instead of "Before I Go To Sleep", the film actually put me to sleep.......4 out of 10

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