Friday 18 April 2014


The future, where your very nature can determine how you live your life, or rather in what faction you become part of.
A time when the type of person you are dictates where you live and who you are.
There are the daredevils, the ones who protect. There are the carers who think of others. There are the thinkers, and maybe they have a hidden agenda.
Beatrice is a young woman who has lived with her parents, and the time has come for her to make the decision, as to where she belongs. There is a test that can be taken, which acts as a guide, only her results cause alarm for her, as she is one of the few that do not seem to indicate any one faction, she is what is known as divergent, as this is something she strives to keep secret.

Her decision is to become part of the Dauntless clan, those who look after the other occupants within the city walls. In order to stay within, she must endure training, which consists of many tests, skills, and being opposed against fellow new recruits to see who has the stamina to  go the distance.
I just wish that I had the stamina to stay interested in the film, as this is what the bulk of the film is about. Can Tris (yes she has renamed herself) cut the mustard?  Who can she trust?  Are we really bothered?  Not that much.

There is a side story where one faction seeks to claim leadership from another faction, but again this is too little of a plot device to care about the film.
One saving grace is a nice stand out performance from lead actress Shailene Woodley as 'Tris'.

I did wonder if it was the first in a series of films, and sure enough it is, but in order to keep viewers and those who have not read the books, you need to make each individual film engaging, and Director Neil Burger has clearly failed miserably in that task, as this is one viewer who will not be returning for the sequels.

I know that the book is classed as a Worldwide Bestseller, and I can only hope that the reading was more than the cinematic experience......5 out of 10

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