Wednesday 30 April 2014

RIP - Bob Hoskins - A Tribute

For anyone who relishes a good British gangster film, like me, will be saddened at the passing of a great actor earlier today.
Bob Hoskins, despite his perceived on screen persona, was a very versatile actor. Yes he is best known for his tough man image in outstanding movies like "The Long Good Friday" and "Mona Lisa" but there were other great performances like in "Made In Dagenham", "Hook" and his clothes stripping role in "Mrs. Henderson Presents",and a wonderful performance as J. Edgar Hoover in "Nixon". He even turned to computer games for one role when he appeared in "Super Mario Bros.".

A one of kind truly great British will be missed Bob.

Sunday 27 April 2014

"The Amazing Spider-Man 2"

As the big movie blockbuster season really starts to kick off, we see the return of Peter Parker and his alter ego, in this sequel to the webslinging reboot.

I have enjoyed both of the 'Spider-Man' franchises, but there is something about this one that really makes it stand tall. Given the talent involved with the Raimi series, you would think that it would be a tough act to follow, but these two films are exceptionally good.
It is pleasing to note how good these films are, especially in a time now where we see so many Comic Book based movies. They used to be occasional, and now for me the Cinema has become flooded with them, in  my humble opinion, too many. But I digress.
The film opens, as has become an almost trademark, with us finding out a little more about the disappearance of Peter's parents, and this leads nicely into Peter discovering what his Father was working on, and the role he played in that, and how he was betrayed.
Our hero, however, has his own demons, as he is haunted by the promise that he made to a dying man at the end of the first film, wherever he looks, he sees the ghost of 'Captain Stacy', and remembers the vow he made. Can his relationship with 'Gwen' carry on?
Over at OsCorp, things are recovering after what Dr. Connors did. The events have been swept under the carpet, and with the passing of their Leader, Norman Osborn, the Company has his son Harry as their new CEO. But the powers that be seek to alter, and when an accident occurs at the firm, involving eletrical genius Max Dillon, Osborn is blamed and stripped of his powers. Power becomes a key for Dillon who survives his accident, and is reborn as 'Electro'. Osborn has sadly inherited his father's genetic condition, which means he will not survive for long, but he sees a solution with the help of 'Spider-Man'. But will the webslinger help? Ultimately both Electro and Osborn combine forces to regain what is theirs, and deal with anyone who gets in their way.

Sometimes with a film, there will be a few key factors that will make it the stand out film that it is. However with this new movie, there are so many. One of the biggest has to be the story, which is brilliantly written, and not knowing much about the original scource material, constantly getting me on the edge of my seat. There is a strong mesaage at the heart of the film, and that is why it works so wonderfully well. It is a highly entertaining journey that we take, with all the characters, there are so many great on screen relationships. Story and character are key for any film and this has both in abundance. The main on screen story is between Peter and Gwen, played by off screen partners Garfield and Stone, and of course that is going to add a dynamic that money can't buy. But even with Parker and Osborn, it is great seeing these two young and very talented actors share screen time together. Every cast member delivers a great performance, and its another huge plus for this fantastic movie. I a huge fan of lead actor Andrew Garfield, having seen his meteoric rise, especially with such amazing work on films like "Boy A", which rightly won him a BAFTA. Again he shines in this film like the bright star that he is.

Unlike some of the more recent Comic Book films we have seen, this one does not leave a City in total ruin, unlike "The Avengers" and "Man of Steel". It is a far more realistic fight taking place. Yes there is some damage to New York, and there were will be some scars, but Insurance Companies will not be going bankrupt. Some may argue that having these huge battles, which leave a City devastated adds to the enjoyment, and takes us into fantasy and away from reality, but for me they can go too far.
Also the villains are wonderfully created, and certainly for two of them, for the most part, they are only villains as normal men with toys that enable them to have powers beyond their everyday life. Again this adds to creating a film in a realistic world, and one we can relate to.
As usual, the film is visually stunning, and there are some nice and unusal perspective shots of Spider-Man flying round New York city.
The appropriately named Marc Webb continues his great work in the Director's chair, and hope that he will be back for a third film, of which I am sure there will be one.

Great fun, a rousing character driven story, and a fantatsic cast bringing it all to life. For me it is up there with "The Dark Knight Rises" as one of the very best Comic Book based movies......9 out of 10.

Friday 18 April 2014

"Starred Up"

Prison films are always tough, gritty and uncompromising, and this new release is not exception. It is being hailed as a great British film, and one of the best Prison films ever made, and I am inclined to agree.

Eric is a young offender, who as the movie opens is being transferred to the big boys prison. His tough act may not impress many in his new surroundings. Within minutes of being in his new home, he has fashioned himself a weapon, just in case of protection, and ingratiated himself with the Wardens.
We experience day to day life within the Prison through Eric's eyes. Through a costly mistake, he shows the inmates and staff how volatile and violent he can be, and these actions upset Dennis, who oversees the wing that Eric has joined. His actions result in a lockdown, and this means a loss of business for Dennis. This does not go down well. Things have to change.

Eric is approached in the work yard by an old time lag. But it would seem that there is a connection between the two, as the elder convict is his Father, serving time in the same prison. He hopes to instill some parental control over his sons actions, and restore some calm to the Prison.
Though many see Eric as the young pretender, a mere nobody who thinks himself higher than he is, it soon becomes clear that he is someone not to be trifled with.
His father hopes that he can be calmed by Oliver, a volunteer who runs a classroom, where the inmates can talk about life, their time inside, and he tries to reassure them for when they leave prison. Initially the experience does not go well, but they do start to bond, especially when Oliver sees how brutal Eric can be, and believing that he can really do some good. But will he ultimately be successful?

This stark film is brilliantly directed by Brit David Mackenzie, and the screenplay by Jonathan Asser is based on his experiences working in a role similar to that of 'Oliver', nicely played by Rupert Friend. The film pulls no punches, is a brutal.violent depiction of life in prison. Peter Ferdinando is great as 'Dennis', the one who runs things inside, a quite slimy piece of work. Aussie Ben Mendelsohn has really lost his home accent, and excels as Eric's father, who has a few secrets of his own. But the film rightly belongs to Jack O' Connell who delivers a remarkable performance. His character conveys such anger, it makes one wonder what goes through an actors mind when they play those scenes? For a young actor of 23 years of age, he gives an assured performance, one of an actor far beyond his years, and he clearly has huge talent, that we will be enjoying for many years to come.

British, compelling, and worth the price of admission alone for O' Connell's outstanding work.....9 out of 10

"The Last Days on Mars"

A routine visit to the nearest planet to us, Mars, is almost at an end. Literally there are just hours to go, before the crew can endure their six month journey back to planet Earth. They are all getting tired and really wanting to get back home. But when Russian astronaut manages to wangle some extra time on the martian surface, to supposedly fix a damaged sensor, things start to go downhill.

He has located a possible life source and is off to stake his claim. The retrieval does not go well, and through this act, he puts the remaining crew at great risk. What follows is a race to survive against tough odds, and a menace that will not be stopped easily.

I had to smile as the first few shots of the Alien landscape looked like they had been shot in a desert area. Oh I forgot, they had !!!  A more tint of red in the sky would have made it little more effective. The night time shots are far more eerie.

It has all been done before, and quite frankly a lot more effectively. There is little tension, no suspense, and the odd splash of blood and that is about it. Rather predictable too. I am surprised to see two great actors like Liev Schreiber and Olivia Williams in a film like this. Maybe they wanted to top up their tan !!
Another thing that I noticed was a number of the crew seemed to quite easily break mission protocols. Alright it may be to help fellow crew members, but one would imagine that it is drilled into them not to allow anyone on board until they know they are safe, and thus not putting any other crew members at risk. But then again does good old fashioned human decency take over?  One to ponder that one.

The last days on Mars, and the first and only time of my viewing this movie........5 out of 10

"Captain America: The Winter Soldier"

Our shield wielding hero returns after the hit of 2011. My how time flies. Three years since Steve Rogers first appeared on our screens.
For me the original was one of the better Marvel adaptations, and this sequel carries on where the first film ended.
Rogers continues to adjust to life in the 21st Century, but when his mentor Nick Fury is attacked by an Assassin, namely The Winter Soldier, Rogers is plunged into intrigue and mystery as Fury warns not to trust anyone, especially anyone within SHIELD, as the organisation has been compromised, potentially at the highest level.

Accompanied by The Black Widow, and new recruit Falcon, they go on the offensive. Though all too soon they are targeted as the threat, when those within SHIELD who seek to do harm, realise that they must be rid of these three who seek to unmask them.

There is little more to the plot than that really. But what is on screen for the two hour running time is a great action packed romp, featuring great characters, and Steve Rogers continues to be an enjoyable chapter in the Marvel catalogue, more so than "Thor".  All the cast are clearly having fun, including Oscar nominee and acting legend Robert Redford as SHIELD executive Alexander Pierce.

Visually, as ever, the film is top notch, though as often is the case with this kind of movie, the action is too much in your face, and it is difficult to know what is happening and to whom. Learn from a master or better yet hire the best - Roger Deakins.
Another note to the wise, stay til the end credits for an etxra scene.

Another worthy Marvel entry........8 out of 10


The future, where your very nature can determine how you live your life, or rather in what faction you become part of.
A time when the type of person you are dictates where you live and who you are.
There are the daredevils, the ones who protect. There are the carers who think of others. There are the thinkers, and maybe they have a hidden agenda.
Beatrice is a young woman who has lived with her parents, and the time has come for her to make the decision, as to where she belongs. There is a test that can be taken, which acts as a guide, only her results cause alarm for her, as she is one of the few that do not seem to indicate any one faction, she is what is known as divergent, as this is something she strives to keep secret.

Her decision is to become part of the Dauntless clan, those who look after the other occupants within the city walls. In order to stay within, she must endure training, which consists of many tests, skills, and being opposed against fellow new recruits to see who has the stamina to  go the distance.
I just wish that I had the stamina to stay interested in the film, as this is what the bulk of the film is about. Can Tris (yes she has renamed herself) cut the mustard?  Who can she trust?  Are we really bothered?  Not that much.

There is a side story where one faction seeks to claim leadership from another faction, but again this is too little of a plot device to care about the film.
One saving grace is a nice stand out performance from lead actress Shailene Woodley as 'Tris'.

I did wonder if it was the first in a series of films, and sure enough it is, but in order to keep viewers and those who have not read the books, you need to make each individual film engaging, and Director Neil Burger has clearly failed miserably in that task, as this is one viewer who will not be returning for the sequels.

I know that the book is classed as a Worldwide Bestseller, and I can only hope that the reading was more than the cinematic experience......5 out of 10