Wednesday 16 October 2013

"How I Live Now"

Daisy has newly arrived in the UK. There are interesting scenes at the airport. The military are in full force, soldiers and guns everywhere. Security is clearly very tight.
She is taken to the relatives that she will be staying with. Quite quickly she comes across as one of those annoying ungrateful brats that you want to take a baseball bat to. She not be pleased about where she is staying, which is a house out in the middle of nowhere, where a very bohemian lifestyle is adopted, or maybe that she is there in the first place, because her father was sick of her, and wanted some respite. Maybe that is where the resentment of all around her stems from, the fact that she feels unloved by those closest to her.

But with strong defiance she does start to settle into life in the country, though clearly not what she is used to. But things are not well in the UK. There is something afoot as the unknown situation intensifies. The mother of the household has some expertise relating to what is happening, and has to jet off to foreign climbs, leaving the teenagers to fend for themselves, one gets the impression that this happens on a regular basis.
They are quite content with this, cooking their food, going hunting, and swimming, and generally enjoying themselves. And life carries on as normal, that it is until there is an incident. And it is a real highpoint of the film, so effectively done. From this point on, things will never be the same again for the family. They are separated, and they vow to all get away from where they will be taken and go back home. The remainder of the film follows that journey. Whether they make it or not is not for me to discuss here, but it is reasonably engaging. I did feel that there should have been a little more threat. And it would have also been nice to understand what the cause of the military involvement, and those behind the incident where about.

Ronan plays the unloved annoying Daisy well, in fact she does such a good job, that within the first five minutes of her being on screen you want to give her a good slap. The other younger cast members are equally good in their respective roles. Tom Holland goes from strength to strength after his great work in "The Impossible".

Whather it has been said before I do not know, but for me there are similarities to the earlier film "Tomorrow, When The War Began", and for me this new film pales at the side of the 2010 movie.

It is ok, but have seen better.......6 out of 10

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