Sunday 29 September 2013

"Runner Runner"

According to "Runner Runner, the latest trend amongst college students is online gambling, this providing a method for them to either suppliment their lifestyle on campus or to pay their tuition fees.
Rick is a young man with a few problems. He aims to get his fees together not by gambling but by recommending his fellow students to a particular gambling site and receiving a commission. All is fine until one of his customers informs the college Dean, and he is threatened with expulsion, this coupled with no means of financial support means he has having a bad time.
He makes the rather unwise decision to partake of some gambling and risk what money he does have on a bet. The house always wins, and alas Rick is penniless. He does however discover some discrepancies on the website, and decides to confront the owner directly.
The owner is one Ivan Block, and because of his dealings, he resides in Costa Rica, outside the jurisdiction of the US Authorities. Rick manages to wangle a meeting, and clearly makes an impression on Block, before he knows it, Rick has a job, and a nice hotel suite to be staying in.

If all this sounds too good to be true, then that is because it is, for soon hot on his trail is the FBI, keen to have Rick provide them with enough ammunition to lock Block away for a long time. Also Rick has to be a go between, dealing with Block and some of his unsavoury 'friennds'. Plus Block also has a hidden agenda, will Rick fall victim to it?

It's an ok film, which moves along at a nice enough pace. And thankfully not overlong, coming in at the 90 minute mark. Any longer and there may have been problems. The cast are all ok in their roles, no major demands are made of them. When watching the film, one thought that occured to me was the subject matter may have been better for a tv movie or two part serial, rather than suitable for cinema.

It is enjoyable enough, but once seen, it will soon be forgotten......6 out of 10

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