Wednesday 3 July 2013

"Spike Island"

No before I start this review, in fairness to the film makers and the cast and crew, I had not planned to see this film. I will not bore you with the details but I ended up at the cinema, and wanted to make use of the time and the unexpected return journey and so decided to watch a film, and the only option was "Spike Island" so despite knowing nothing about it, I got a ticket.

The film is a coming of age, meets road movie, as a gang of five lads aim to get to their dream destination, and see The Stone Roses perform at Spike Island. They all have their own home problems, whether it be parental beatings, or watching a parent slowly slip away or unrequited love.
They have also formed their own group, and are determined to get their music to the legendary group, and hopefully get some help on the road to stardom.

For anyone who has a love or appreciation of the band, I am sure that they will love this movie. I have to say that the music, and the whole Manchester scene thing did not appeal to me at all, and had I known in advance, I would not have gone to see the film.
That being said, it was clearly made with a passion, and there is heart at the centre of the film.Lead actor Elliott Tittensor gives a good performance as the young band front man. And the rest of the young cast also do a decent job. One comment, Rob James Collier has to be wearing one of the worst moustaches seen in film history.

Not for me, but music fans will love it................4 out of 10

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