Sunday 12 May 2013

"The Place Beyond The Pines"

The lead actor and Director of acclaimed film "Blue Valentine" are reunited for this latest movie "The Place Beyond The Pines".

Luke is a drifter, a real loner, going from town to town with the circus that he works at, employed as one of their bikers who cycle round the wheel of death. Ironically for someone who spends most of their time on a motorbike, he has very little drive. He just takes each day at a very leisurely pace, when revisiting a town, Luke meets up with a past fling, Romina, and discovers that he has a one year old Son.
This news has quite the effect on Luke, and he quits his job at the circus, keen to do all he can to be a good father, even though Romina has someone in her life. Despite his best intentions, the combination of Cofi, her partner, and Luke trying to be a Father cause quite the altercation, and this sees Luke getting locked up for a while. Upon release, understandably, Romina wants very little to do with him. Things escalate, and Luke again finds himself dealing with the Police, in the form of Police Office Avery Cross. Their lives start to cross, and it also means that Officer Cross will also encounter both Jason and AJ, when they become friends.
With various story strands all playing beautifully, they all converge as the film builds to its conclusion.

It is difficult to go much further into explaining the plot without giving any major pointers out, and that is the last thing I wish to do, as this is such a great film. See all the stars on the poster, well each and every one is well deserved.
I saw "Blue Valentine" for the first time recently, and have to say that whilst good, it did not blow me away like I expected, but this has more than made up for it. The acting, as one would expect, is excellent, and it is especially nice to see Bradley Cooper again step away from comedy to work on something more dramatic, and a great job he does too.

A nice slow burner, that will no doubt put some off, but those who like to be enthralled by a great script and compelling, with some outstanding performances, under the leadership of a talented Director, then this is the film for you......9 out of 10

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