Monday 7 May 2012


Returning to the Big Screen is one of the biggest Box Office hits of all time. Namely James Cameron's multi Oscar winning "Titanic".

Will just recap the story....the White Star Line has its latest luxury liner about to set sail. On board are Rose and Jack, two people who could not be any further apart if you tried. Yet somehow their worlds coming crashing together, and they become attracted to one another, despite that Rose is engaged to be married.
Also on board the luxury ship is an assortment of people from all walks of life, from the rich to the lower classes. All completely unaware of that tragedy that is about to befall them all.

The story between Jack and Rose does rather detract from the tragedy that befalls the other 2,000 or so passengers on board. They get the occasional bit of side story, but ultimatelty this is about them, and lets face it, they are fictional as well. Their story of making each day count is all very nice, but there are more moving stories to tell, and stories that are very real.

The story am afraid, as is often the case with a Cameron film is a tad bland, the lead characters are ok, but it has all been done before, and frankly a lot better. By far the worst character is 'Cal Hockley' played by Billy Zane, such dreadful writing, he is barely one dimensional, and the acting is dreadful. He is quite like a Pantomime villain, you expect him to start twirling on a large moustache, and cackling to himself.

One thing that you cannot argue with is the technical side of the film, the recreation of the ship, the costumes, the visual effects, all are of a first class standard, and were worthy Oscar winners. I do have a problem with "Titanic" winning Best Picture, personally I still think it should have gone to "L.A. Confidential".

Onto the 3D aspect, something that I have been very critical of. I have problems enjoying films shot in 3D, let alone 2D films which have been converted, like this one.
There was however one major change with this 3D viewing, namely that one saw it on an IMAX screen. Now whether it is the IMAX aspect or not I am not sure, but this was a very good 3D experience, not the best, but for a conversion was very good. There is hope yet.

Nice to re-experience"Titanic".....and the IMAX was superior.......8 out of 10

1 comment:

  1. Even the greatest critiques aren't right all of the time and as much as I respect your opinions I have to disagree on many of them. there has never been a love story more emotional, heart wrenching and captivating than this and the ticket sales and general concensess seems to agree with me, the acting is superb and the amazing cast of characters take you on journey you won't forget in a hurry.
    I could go on forever about this film but wanted to keep my comment succinctly.
    I will close in saying how do you make the greatest film of all time even better? You release it in the most jaw dropping 3d cinema has ever seen. TItanic is no longer 10/10 it just hit 11/10 a 3d visual and emotional masterpiece.
