Tuesday 24 January 2012


A legendary film-maker who has a passion for film.....this can both apply to the subject matter and the Director responsible for the making of this great film.
Hugo Cabret lives in a Parisian Train Station, he oversees the maintenance of all the clocks in the station, taking over the duties from his drunken Uncle. He sees life go by on the platforms of the station. This has been his home since his father was killed in a fire in the museum where he worked. He is caught stealing from a toy vendor who has a shop in the station. It turns out that Hugo is desperate for parts to a mechanical man, the last thing his father was working on when he died. It is the only link he has left to his father, and is so keen to see it working again. The store owner, Papa Georges, has a Grand-daughter who befriends Hugo when he Grandfather is particularly wicked to Hugo. Through the toy robot, they are taken on a adventure where truths and revelations are uncovered which are alot closer to home than they ever expected.

It is a truly magical film, especially for anyone who loves the history of Cinema, as it looks at film at the beginning of the 20th century when it was still in its infancy, and it looks at one of the great pioneers of the movies, one who has been overlooked, and celebrates the joy he brought to so many people. It is as much of a delight to watch for the younger audience members as it is for older ones to remember a truly golden time of the moving image.

The cast are all fantastic, especially Ben Kingsley as Papa Georges, a quite beautiful performance. Visually the film excels on every level, with the 3D use at its best over any film that I have seen using this format. The effects are dazzling, the opening shot is to die for, and the editing from legend that is Thelma Schoonmaker, should hopefully bag her another Academy Award. And behind the camera is another legend, Martin Scorsese, no better candidate to celebrate a love of Cinema.

Enjoy this great film, as it exudes a love of Film........9 out of 10

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