Friday 7 February 2020

"The 92nd Annual Academy Awards" - My Predictions

It does not seem five minutes since Olivia Colman stole the show at last years Oscars, but the last 12 months have flown by, and here we are with the 92nd Annual Academy Awards.
As always, when the nominations were announced, there was the usual argument, about lack of diversity and gender. I will not add my own personal opinions here, as I will be dealing with those that are nominated. For me, as a big fan of both film, and the Oscars, I do not think that I can ever recall a more star packed category than that of Best Supporting Actor. And the funniest thing is, that two heavy weight actors like Tom Hanks and Sir Anthony Hopkins are the outsiders lol.

As usual for each of the main 8 categories I shall name the nominee who I think will win, and also who I would like to see win, Sometimes they will be the same, and sometimes they will differ.
Of the main 8, which garner a total of 44 nominations, as of typing this, I have seen 42, which I think is the best I have ever managed, so definitely in a good position to pass comment.

As usual, my list will consist of the following:-

Best Original Screenplay
Best Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published
Best Actress in a Supporting Role
Best Actor in a Supporting Role
Best Actress in a Leading Role
Best Actor in a Leading Role
Best Director
Best Picture

So...let's get started, and the first category is....

Best Original Screenplay

At one point this was set in stone, but more recently a possible contender to steal Tarantino's thunder is "Parasite". But there is a lot of love for Tarantino in the Academy, and I think it is highly unlikely that he will bag Best Director, so if there is one opportunity to award him with an Oscar for this movie, then this is it.
And of the five nominees this is also the one that I would like to see win, and that despite not being a huge fan of the film.

Best Screenplay Based on material Previously Produced or Published

Another category that I don't think is straight forward to call. Like the above, I think at one point it was Steven Zaillian all the way for "The Irishman", but now for me that is doubtful. "Joker" could possibly bag it, as could Greta Gerwig for "Little Women", but I think that there is a good chance that Taika Waititi will prevail, despite mixed reactions to the film. And I would also be equally happy if it wins.

Best Actress in a Supporting Role

Given that Laura Dern has won most of the Supporting Actress Awards going, it is a fairly safe bet that she will be adding an Academy Award to her Trophy cabinet.

Is it the best performance? No, there is better work out there. One has to look no further than the brilliant performance from Oscar Winner Kathy Bates in "Richard Jewell".
I think that in the case of Laura it is honouring not only this performance, which is an ok one, but also her career as a whole, and her parentage.

Best Actor in a Supporting Role

This is a true veterans category, with all five actors having been previously nominated for Academy Awards, and four of this years nominees have been past winners.
Whilst I do not necessarily think that Brad Pitt gives the best performance, I do think he will win, and to be honest, I would be equally pleased to see him win, as he has given some wonderful films and performances over a 30+ year career. I think that it is safe to say that it is his time.

Best Actress in a Leading Role

I think after last year, I have been a little twitchy with some predictions, especially as everyone thought that Glenn Close was a near certainty for Best Leading Actress, and we all know what followed, although if anyone was going to nab that Oscar last year, it was going to be Olivia Colman.
I think I can say that I am on safer ground by declaring that Renee Zellweger will take the honour for her amazing work as Judy Garland, and YES , she does deserve it. Truly oustanding.

Best Actor in a Leading Role

Much has been said of the film "Joker", whether you love it or hate, which does seem to be the extent of peoples emotion on this movie, most consensus is that Joaquin Phoenix gives a brilliant performance. And yes I do think it is very good....but Oscar worthy?  No, not for me, but it pains me to say that I think he will win.

Of all the categories that acting talent has been snubbed, for me this is the big one, as both Eddie Murphy and especially Paul Walter Hauser should both have been nominated. I do question whether Jonathan  Pryce should have been included, its a nice performance but not enough to warrant a win or a nomination. Similarly I think the same of Leonardo DiCaprio.
But as to who I would prefer to see win, well that is easy to answer. Antonio Banderas for his career best Performance in "Pain And Glory".

Best Director

Some time ago, it was safe to say that the one film that was going to dominate the Oscars was "The Irishman" including a 2nd Best Director Oscar for Martin Scorsese. I think it will be a 2nd Oscar but for Sam Mendes for his brilliant work on "1917".

I know I have already said that "Once Upon a Time...In Hollywood" is not my favourite Tarantino movie, but I would so love to see him awarded a Best Director Oscar, and he is long overdue, and given what we know, there may not be many more opportunities.

Best Picture

Again this year we have nine nominees, which certanly makes for a more interesting evening, as a film you would normally not expect to win could slip through, given that the votes are spread over a greater number of films. For me, that is the only way that "The Revenant" did not win Best Picture a few years ago, surely the biggest Oscar crime in recent memory. Yes, more so than "Brokeback Mountain".

For me, there are 3 films that I feel, whilst being good, do not deserve a Best Picture nomination.

For the technical achievement, and given what the story is about, I feel that "1917" will take the top prize. I would say that it is not set in stone, not like some of the acting awards, so we could certainly have an upset here. But I think it will win the top prize.
On a personal level I hope it does also, as I have a decent wager on it winning said prize.

Of all the nine films nominated, and I have been fortunate to see them all, the one that I felt that was the Best Picture, that told the best story, and from start to finish took me on the best journey... it is no contest. It has to be "Le Mans '66".

So just to recap, here are my thoughts on what I think WILL Win

Best Original Screenplay - "ONCE UPON A TIME...IN HOLLYWOOD"
Best Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published - "JOJO RABBIT"
Best Actress in a Supporting Role - "LAURA DERN"
Best Actor in a Supporting Role - "BRAD PITT"
Best Actress in a Leading Role - "RENEE ZELLWEGER"
Best Actor in a Leading Role - "JOAQUIN PHOENIX"
Best Director - "SAM MENDES"
Best Picture - "1917"

It was a pretty slick show last year without a host, though I have to say I do miss an opening monologue. When you look at the magic from the likes of Bob Hope, Johnny Carson and Billy Crystal, it is a shame we don't at the very least get to enjoy some choice words about Hollywood.

Well, here is to the 92nd Oscars....

Tuesday 7 January 2020

2019 - "This Year In Film"

The start of a new year means the inevitable look back at the last 12 months.
So how have the last 365 cinematic days fared?  Yet again the quantity has gone up, and the quality does seem to have improved, with far less turkeys this year.

Speaking of which, let us take a look at the films that were in dire need of stuffing...

Worst Films of the Year:-

"Us" - Jordan Peele proving that "Get Out" was not a one trick turkey
"Midsommar" - Whilst "Hereditary" was not the great horror we were expecting, this 150 minute snooze fest will certainly make me question watching anything else by Ari Aster.
 "Godzilla King of Monsters" -Aside from Ken Watanabe, there is very little to commend about this monster movie
"The Hustle" - of the four this truly is a TURKEY, the biggest of the year.  There was no comedy at all in this laughless film. Avoid at all costs.

Showed Great Promise, But.....:-

"The Front Runner" - Political Scandal movie about US Senator Gary Hart, starring Hugh Jackman. It was good, but it just did not compel. Could have been a really great film
"Destroyer" - Yes it had a great performance by Nicole Kidman, but I just felt that the film wandered around alot.
"If Beale Street Could Talk" - A critics favourite, and big Award winner, but not for me. And I will say that I think there were more deserving Best Supporting Actress winners than Regina King.
"Rambo Last Blood" - If it had carried on in the same style as "Rambo" then I would have loved it, but it was a lacklustre way to round off the franchise.

What Went Wrong:-

Sometimes a film looks good, sounds good, and indeed should be good, but whatever is in the stars, something with this selection just wasn't quite right.

"Glass" - After the brilliant "Split", and its connection to "Unbreakable", we all waited for the big finale....alas it was something of a letdown.
"X-Men Dark Phoenix" - No greater argument can one have for saying that Comic Book movies are too many, too often than with this, one of the worst Marvel films ever, yes its up there with "Fantastic Four".
"Ad Astra" - Critics were so in love with this movie, was it this years "Gravity"? Definitely not, though its handy if you have insomnia.
"The Aeronauts" - Similarly this film should not be viewed whilst operating machinery or taking medication.

This last entry in this category really pains me, as I am a HUGE fan of the Director. In fact prior to this film, he was the only Director who had a 100% track record of delivering films that I really like, love or truly adore.
"Once Upon A Time....In Hollywood" - I can't believe that I am putting a Quentin Tarantino film in this category, but there you have it. I just did not get on with it, it was good, and had some nice QT moments but it wasn't a great film. I know there are extended versions coming out, and maybe this will enhance my pleasure of the film, who knows.

What A Surprise:-

All too often you go to the Cinema to watch a film, not knowing much if anything at all about it. You sit in that darkened room, and you then get really surprised with a great film that seems to come out of nowhere. We have had quite a few this year, and they are....

"The Prodigy" - All right, yes one could argue it is a rip off of "The Omen" but I just really enjoyed it.
"Out of Blue" - Loved it
"Good Boys" - I saw this hysterically funny film twice, and would highly recommend it.
"Tucked" - A great British comedy drama about an ageing drag queen, taking under their wings a young and upcoming act. Worth the price of admission for an exemplary performance from Derren Nesbitt.
"Countdown" - Like "The Prodigy" I am sure that there are many horror fans who would take great pleasure in bashing both these films, but like the former, again this really worked for me, lots of chills, and not OTT with gore, the way a real horror should be.
"Last Christmas" - This film is like marmite, you either love it or hate it. And I really enjoyed it. And judging by how many went to see it, despite the comments of critics, many others enjoyed it too.

A Welcome Return:-

"The Mule" - After 12 years Clint Eastwood returned to the front of the camera with this wonderful drama based on a true story. A real delight.
"Downton Abbey" - Fans of the TV series were so happy to get to go back to Grantham, and I for one made the journey twice.
"Terminator Dark Fate" - Although this film has probably killed off the franchise for good, I did enjoy it, more so than the films that followed "Terminator 2: Judgment Day"
"Angel Has Fallen" - Mike Banning is back, and on top form, in a film that alongside "John Wick 3" are the two best action films of the year.
"The Irishman" - Scorsese, De Niro, Pacino and Pesci are back. It has been a long wait, and there has been controversy. It's not the best from Scorsese, but even a very good film from him is better than most Director's best efforts.

Sight & Sound:-

I love the visual splendour of seeing something truly gobsmacking on the big screen, especially IMAX. And I have been privileged to see and also to hear some amazing things this year. Three really stand out for me. (Only "Apollo 11" was seen on IMAX)

"Apollo 11" - This compelling documentary is a must. I saw it on the IMAX and the moment when the rocket takes off is one that I will not forget in a hurry. It is a moment like this, which shows why IMAX is THE way to watch movies.
"Pavarotti" - Again, another great documentary, and the moment when the great Tenor sings Nessun Dorma will leave you speechless.
"Cats" - I always knew that there would be one stand out moment from this much talked about film, and it was listening to one of the greatest female voices on the planet, namely Jennifer Hudson sing "Memory".

Best Actress in a Supporting Role:-

Like so many, I loved this film, and I could seperate their two brilliant performances, I would have been deligted to see either bag a second Academy Award.

So for Best Actress In A Supporting Role, the award goers to.......
Rachel Weisz and Emma Stone for "The Favourite"

Best Actor in a Supporting Role:-

Like the previous category, we have a tie. I just cannot pick between these two great performances, both of whcih have had me glued to the screen.

For a welcome return to the screen alongside his great friend Robert de Niro, Joe Pesci shone in a subdued and quiet performance.

Also working an equally impressive double act, alongside Melissa McCarthy, Richard E. Grant gave one of the finest comedy perfomances of the year.

So the Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role goes to.......

Joe Pesci in "The Irishman"
Richard E. Grant in "Can You Ever Forgive Me"

Best Actress in a Leading Role:-

There have been some great performances from Leading Ladies this year, so much so, we almost had a seven way tie, but I felt that stretched things a little too far. But those worthy of note are Melissa McCarthy in "Can You Ever Forgive Me",  Jessie Buckley in "Wild Rose", Jennifer Lopez in "Hustlers", Vanessa Redgrave in "Mrs. Lowry & Son" and Lesley Manville in "Ordinary Love".

It's ironic the timing of this award, and that I go from January to December in a calendar year, so there are all too often overlaps, especially with the Oscars. And in this category, we have an example of past and those yet to win...

She was simply phenomenal as Queen Anne, and rightly stole the show at the 91st Oscars.

Renee Zellweger IS Judy Garland...enough said.

So the Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role goes to.......

Olivia Colman in "The Favourite"
Renee Zellweger in "Judy"

Best Actor in a Leading Role:-

Like the ladies, there have been many outstanding Leading Men this year, those who could eadily have bagged the top prize include Lucas Hedges in "Boy Erased", Derren Nesbitt in "Tucked", Taron Egerton in "Rocket Man", Antonio Banderas in "Pain And Glory", and Timothy Spall in "Mrs. Lowry & Son".

To start the year with a truly fine biopic and a compelling performance is one thing. To then end the year with another rousing and thoroughly entertaining biopic is quite something. I refer of course to Oscar winner Christian Bale. He exceled alongside Matt Damon in "Le Mans 66".

His performance as Dick Cheney in "Vice" has to be a career best for the versatile actor.

The Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role goes to.......

Christian Bale in "Vice"

Best Picture:-

And so to the big one, the best film of 2019. As I mentioned there have been some great films this year, and here is a selection of movies that I scored either 8 or 9 out of 10

But at the end of the day there can only be one Best Film of the year, well unless you count 2017, when there was a tie of four Best Films. But this year it is easy, only one film scored the maximum ten out of ten. And it came out back in January.

And the Award for Best Picture goes to........



It does seem at the moment that the latest trend to hit Hollywood is the Music star biopic. We have already had films about Freddie Mercury and Elton John, there is also one on the way featuring David Bowie.
But to make a film about Judy that is Brave.
She is a TRUE icon, a legendary music and screen figure, her songs and performances are beloved across the globe, and it takes a phenomenal actress to want to step into those shoes.

The film is similar in style to a big hit from the end of last year, which also looked at two true comedy icons, namely "Stan & Ollie", cutting from a time when the star is at the very height of their fame, and then to when they make a visit to London towards the end of their career.

Judy has been busy touring the States, making what money she can, and by her side are two of her younger children, sometimes even joining her on stage. But as the job offers and money starts to dry up, the only way that she can continue to see her children, is to leave them with her ex-husband and go to England to do a variety of shows.
Is she up to it?  Can she still perform to please a London crowd?

I know that when "Bohemian Rhapsody" came out, many critics said that they loved Rami Malek as Freddie Mercury, but thought that the film was average. I would say that the film is better than average, but did not quite wow me as much as "Bohemian Rhapsody" or "Stan & Ollie", but it is still a really enjoyable film. There is one moment right towards the end of the film, that for me was a little too over sentimental. Now if it actually occured then so be it, but if it is fictionalised then it was a step too far. I would like to know one way or the other.

The supporting cast are all decent enough. But at the end of the day, the film belongs to one person and of course that is Renee Zellweger. In a similar way that John C. Reilly and Steve Coogan did with Stan & Ollie, Renee really does bring Judy Garland to life.

The film trailer proclaims that 'Renee Zellweger is Judy Garland' - well it's as close as we're ever going to get.....8 out of 10