Sunday 25 August 2019

"Good Boys"

There is an age old slogan within the Cinematic world, if the trailer is funny then the film will most definitely not be.
Prepare to meet the exception.
Yes the trailer is funny, but the film is even more so.

Three best friends, Max, Thor & Lucas, they do everything together. In the scheme of things they think that are moderately cool. Not total geeks but not ultra cool either. Soren is deemed to be the king of cool at school, and when he invites Max to a party he is having, Max asks if he can invite his two compadres. Soren agrees, and this goes down well, until the boys realise that they might have to actually kiss a girl. The thought of this instills total fear in them, as none have any understanding of what to do.
So given the situation, what would any curious 12 year old do???  Consult the internet, with hilarious results. The boys quest to be enlightened about how to kiss also ends up involving a drone and two pill obsessed older girls.

The premise is simple but it really works. It may sound daft but there is something very funny about seeing 12 year olds on screen cursing enough to make a marine blush. There are jokes a plenty, some of a very adult nature, literally, but it is a real laugh out loud comedy, making me wish I'd taken my inhaler.
The film does also look at friendship and that bond that ties us when we are younger. All three young leads are excellent, I have to confess only being aware of Jacob Tremblay but it is nice to see him in an adult comedy after a few forays into drama.

Loved it, and could easily watch it again........8 out of 10

Saturday 24 August 2019

"Angel Has Fallen"

It is fair to say that I went in very sceptical as to whether I would enjoy this third film to feature Secret Service Agent Mike Banning. When the first "Fallen" came out, it was up against the mightier budget of "White House Down", and sorry Gerard but the far better on the eye Channing Tatum. That's not to say that the first film was not without merit, as it was very enjoyable.
Then came the inevitable sequel.......and oh boy....where did it go so badly wrong? I know that "London Has Fallen" will have appeared in my list of one of the worst films of that year. So you may understand my concerns about seeing this new film "Angel Has Fallen".

President Trumbull (Freeman) is still in The White House, and has his most trusted Secret Service agent by his side. Though the rigours of active duty and age are taking their toll on Mike, and one wonders how much longer he will be able to effectively protect the most powerful man on Earth.
Whilst on a fishing trip, there is an assassination attempt on the President, he survives, but all the Security detail are killed apart from Banning, making him suspect no 1 as the guilty party responsible.

What follows is a cat and mouse chase as Banning sets out to proof his innocence, and also protect the President, as he believes that he is not yet out of danger.

The action comes thick and fast, from a brilliantly staged tense drone attack on the President, to a Hospital going kaboom to a team of mercenaries being taken out in a forest, but not by Banning, but someone close to home, his Dad, brilliantly played by Nick Nolte, and stealing almost every scene he is in.
It is obvious who is initially behind the attack, and then more so who is the puppet master behind it all, but it is great fun watching it all unfold on screen.

I loved everything about the film, the story, the action, and some great work from the likes of Gerard Butler, Nick Nolte and the always reliable Morgan Freeman.
For me this is the best film in the series, and I cannot recommend it highly enough, I can think of no better way to spend an evening at the Cinema.....brace yourself......9 out of 10