Monday 18 January 2016

2015 - "This Year In Film"

Hard to believe folks, but another year has gone by. It does not seem five minutes since I was doing the Annual Review for 2014, and near here I am doing the same for 2015.

So, what kind of year has it been?

Well, what never ceases to amaze me is that I have two Cinemas virtually on the doorstep, I have an Unlimited Cineworld Card, which saves me an absolute fortune, and yet I go to the Cinema now less than I did say ten years ago. Could standards really have dropped? It does make you think....

Anyways, back to the job at hand. It has to be said it has been another poor year on the whole, with just the odd movie here and there to get excited about.
Biopics were the big in-thing at the start of the year with great films like "The Theory of Everything", "Unbroken", "Foxcatcher" and "American Sniper".
2015 proved to be the year of the return, seeing Ethan Hunt back in a new "Mission Impossible", 007 returned with "Spectre",  he said he would be back, and sure enough Arnold Schwarzenegger came back as the Terminator, though not with any where near as much greatness as the first two films in the series, Dinosaurs roamed once more in "Jurassic World",  and we also saw some friends return from a galaxy far, far away....

Here is a selection of films which I have classed under the banner of - "Worst Film of The Year"

The 'Yes I can Really Act Award' goes to.....         

Channing Tatum for his great performance
at the start of the year in "Foxcatcher"

 As we welcomed back a lot of old friends, the award for "Film Best Welcomed with Open Arms' goes to...

The 'Most Promising Talent Award' goes to...

Miles Teller for his amazing performance in 
For Best Performance by an Actor, the Award is
Shared by.............................

Eddie Redmayne for his beautiful performance as
Stephen Hawking in "The Theory of Everything"    

And for J. K. Simmons for his amazing work
as the music tutor from hell, in "Whiplash"                                                  
And in yet another dire year for great roles for
actresses, the 'Best Performance by an Actress'
goes to..............

Kate Winslet for "The Dressmaker"
 Last but not least, we come to Best Picture, and that is an easy choice, and one which we go back to the beginning of the year, the award for 'Best Picture' goes to..................