Tuesday 15 July 2014

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - Special Preview Screening

Ten long winters have gone by since the events of the first film. Things have considerably calmed down. The virus has really taken its toll against the humans.
The apes have created their own colony in the woods and forests that surround San Francisco, and given that they have had little contact with the humans, believe that they could be all alone once more.

But things are about to change. There are some humans who have become resistant to the virus and have survived. The few that remain continue to exist but their fuel supply is rapidly disappearing, and their only hope is a water hydro dam. The only problem is that it is located within the very forests populated by the apes. During an investigatory visit there is an altercation and an ape is shot and killed. Naturally this rather agrivates the apes. They go to the humans and tell them they remain in the City, and the apes remain in the forests.

Malcolm knows the great need for restoring electricity, and so sets off to see Caesar, and see if there is anything that can be done, but he also knows full well that if he fails in the task, Dreyfus will take the stockpile of automatic weapons that they have, and wage war on the apes.

Willing to know why the humans want access to the forest area, Caesar allows Malcolm to show him what is needed, and why it is so vital. Caesar seess this as an opportunity, if he gives the humans access to the dam, once the work is done, they will go and leave them in peace, as he knows that outgun the apes.
But this willingness to move on is seen as weakness by some of the other apes, especially by Koba, and even his own Son. Koba has visited the City and has seen first hand the arsenal of weapons at the humans disposal. But it seems that trust between both parties is very hard to gain and so very easy to lose. Koba knows that he has a hard battle to instill his views on Caesar, so does the only thing he can, and that is, in an apt Brutus style moment, take down his leader and blame the humans, thus insighting the apes to declare war.
But the Apes are not the only ones to be dealing with a power struggle, as Malcolm and Dreyfus  do battle. One trying to avert war, and the other keen to destroy all the Apes.

It is fascinating seeing how the Apes have developed, and how much the different characters have been fleshed out. They are brought to life by some truly awesome visual effects. Caesar once again is brilliantly given life and breath by Andy Serkis.Oldman and Russell are decent enough in their respective roles. Clarke is great as Malcolm, one who is keen to both protect the humans, and see no harm befall the Apes.
There is however some predicatability with the film, which means that it does pale somewhat at the side of the first film, which was far more unnerving and more compelling.

But it is still a decent movie. And according to internet sources, a third film has been greenlit.

Monkey business well worth watching........7 out of 10