Monday 30 December 2013

Catching Up - "Parkland", "The Butler", and "Nebraska"

Here follows a brief overview of some recent films, with Christmas, things have been rather hectic and it has not afforded me much time to get caught up.


The film looks at those tragic events that occured in Dallas in November 1963. It looks specifically at what happened when President Kennedy was taken to the Parkland Hospital, in a valiant effort to save his life. It looks at how those events affected not only the medical staff, but also those assigned to protect the President and those who came to Dallas to cheer and wave.
The main problem with the film is that it tells us nothing new, the majority of what is documented in the film is well known.
It was a nice idea, but one cannot help but think that the sole purpose of the movie was to cash in on the 50th anniversary of the death of President Kennedy.......6 out of 10.

"The Butler"

Not having seen a trailer, I still thought I had a rough idea as to what this film was about, in that it was based on the true story of Cecil Gaines, who worked as butler for numerous US Presidents. Yes this partly true, but it also looks at the race issue during the 1960's mainly told through the eyes of Gaine's son, Louis. And it is this story that seems to take over the film. I have always had a fascination with the US Presidency, and thought that this is where the bulk of the story would lie, alas this was not the case. The race story is well told, but was not the film story that I wanted to see.
A lot of people have been surprised as to why the film has been overlooked at The Golden Globes. The answer to that is simple. Whilst it is a good film, it is not a great film, and that is its downfall. A nice performance from Forest Whitaker in the title role, but for me the film is dominated by an all too brief appearance by Jane Fonda, on dazzling form as Nancy Reagan. Funnily enough both this and "Parkland" were viewed on the same day, and neither film could find an actress that bore even a slight resemblence to Jackie Kennedy.
Good but could have been much improved with a better look at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.......6 out of 10


Woody Grant is the new talk of the town, as he has become a millionaire, or so he thinks. Like so many people of a mature age, they have a flyer coming through the post, promising that they have won a huge sum of money, and they believe it to be true, but sadly this is not the case, but Woody is adamant that he has won, and sets off to collect his winnings, despite the protestations from his Son, Will and his long suffering Wife, Kate.
Wanting to keep a keen eye on his father, son  Will accompanies his Dad on their little road trip, during which they visit their old home town, they meet old friends and acquaintances, and family members all keen to share in Woody's new found wealth, and although Will tries to assure them that he has won diddley squat, they just believe it to be a lie, so to deny what they believe to be their share of the money.
The filkm is wonderfully multi-layered, as mentioned its a road movie, a comedy, a father / son film, and at times is wickedly funny. The reclaiming of a piece of farming equipment is a highlight of the film.
There is a career high performance from Bruce Dern, and equally brilliant is the wonderful June Squibb as his speak it as it wife Kate. A delight to watch the two of them at work together.

Director Alexander Payne seems to have periods of making a hit and a miss movie, this is definitely a hit. If you loved "About Schmidt", then this is one to watch.

A real gem of a movie......8 out of 10

Monday 2 December 2013


I had hoped to see this movie on the IMAX, but then it had to make way for "The Hunger Games", boo, but thankfully it has returned to this superior format and this morning I had the pleasure of seeing what is possibly the best film of the year so far.

Dr. Stone has created a piece of equipment, and given that it can be used on the Space Shuttle, her expertise is pivotal for mending said equipment, so she finds herself high above the Earth with Space veteran Dr. Matt Kowalski. All is going well, that is until the Russians decide to destroy a rogue spy satellite. That is not what initially causes the problem, but the debris from the destruction of that satellite crashes into some others, and creates further debris and unfortunately it is heading at a very fast speed in the space crews direction.
They execute an immediate evacuation, but alas time is not on their side, and their craft is hit with the full force of the debris. Naturally there are casualties, and the crew have to work together in order to get to a neighbouring station, and get back to Earth.

As the debris approaches, the tension is really cranked up to a nailbiting level. You are willing the film to move faster so you can find out the fate of the space crew. The combination of the amazing camera work and the score make it one of the most tense scenes I have seen on film.
George Clooney is on great form as Kowalski, the leader of the team, the figureheard, the voice of experience and authority, a role he plays well. The real surprise is Sandra Bullock, whom you would not necessarily peg for this role, but she plays it so well, I would go as far as say that it is a career best performance from her. She excels as Dr. Stone.

Regarding the climax, and lead character Dr Stone has accepted her fate, whatever that may be. The question is, if she has come to terms with her possible impending death, would the outcome be more sentimental if she dies and is reunited with her daughter, or that she survives and lives a full life back on Earth .

Visually the film is of the highest level, from remarkable images of the Earth, to when the shuttle is bombatded by the debris. There is also an amazing shot as we close in on Dr. Stone, as we get ever closer to the visor in her spacesuit, then the next thing we are actually in the spacesuit helmet with her, all done in one take, quite something.
Never has silence been so brilliantly used in a film, especially when in action films there are explosions and loud bangs galore, "Gravity" stays firm to the principle that in space there is nothing to carry sound, and it is illustrated so well in the opening frames of the film, and carries on throughout.
The score is another high point, from Composer Steven Price, in fact it was so good that upon getting home I purchased said soundtrack.

Yes there has been alot of hype about this film, and every word that is positive is true. Every box has been ticked, it delivers on every level. I normally have a Cineworld Unlimted card, and alas left it behind thus having to pay full price, and having watched the film, I did not begrudge one single penny, as it was an absolute delight to watch.

Has everything that you could want from a movie........10 out of 10